Chapter- 1

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Life is like a road,
there are bumps,

there are cracks,

there are road blocks,
But the only important

thing is that it keeps

( A famous quote written by a famous personality )

Isn't it too easy to think a lot about life and put them in some words. Isn't it too easy to ask someone to forget and move on. Isn't it too easy to speak about life when you can never be a help in anyone's life in moving on from their pain..

Of course, it is damn easy to ask someone to move on. But does any of these people help anyone who suffer huge amount of pain, in moving on other than encouraging them through their words. No, they don't. Because, they have no time for it. They have no time in maintaining their own life, then how would they have time for someone else to help them in living a proper life.

If they can't, then do they have any right to ask the other to move on. The answer would be NO. They have no right in it. But, does it mean a mother can see her child shedding tears ? Does it mean a father can see his child being unhappy ? Does it mean, a sister can see her sister/brother sitting lonely ? Does it mean a brother can see his sibling living a depressing life..?

Again a big NO is the answer. They won't be able to see it. So, what's the big deal in asking their son/ sibling in getting married. But, the person wouldn't listen to it..

The person doesn't believe in marriage because its of no use without falling in Love. But does it mean there is no chance of falling in Love if you don't believe in it. Again a big big NO is the answer..

But, it won't be entered in this guy's brain. He can know only one thing and that is coffee..? Err..A coffee..?

Oh yes, a young man with a well built body and handsome face which had no expression on it, is actually sipping his coffee while sitting on his chair placed around the dining table of his Mansion.

Young Man ( stern voice ): Haven't you guys heard me saying that I am not interested in marriage..?

The elderly man sitting beside the young man got irked with his answer..

Elder Man: Manik, what's wrong in marriage..?

Manik: Nothing is wrong in marriage, Dad. But, I don't find it useful..

Okay, they were Raj Malhotra and his elder son Manik Malhotra. The girl sitting beside Raj spoke with concern filled tone..

Girl: Bhai, why can't you get married. You're 25 and well settled in career..

Manik ( glared ): Mukti, you need to stop doing it. You shouldn't poke your nose in elder's matters, you're just 18.

Mukti looked down and mumbled a low " sorry ". While the guy sitting beside Mukti got annoyed with Manik..

Guy: Are you serious Bhai..? Mukti is 18 years old and when I was 18 I have even kissed.

Raj stared at him with fire spitting eyes..

Raj: you even realize that you're sitting with your family..?

Cabir smiled sheepishly and looked at the lady sitting beside Raj..

MaNan- Yearning to be lovedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें