Chapter- 36

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What's forgiveness..?

That's a very huge word though it holds only 11 letters. When people commit mistakes and they realize it, they tend to seek forgiveness from whomsoever it concerned. But, is it so easy to forgive someone..?

Seeking forgiveness might sound easy while forgiving someone isn't so easy. It takes a lot of time and will power to forgive someone, especially if that someone is close to your heart.

Raj Malhotra also wanted forgiveness and he needs to work hard for it because, this time, its not just him but his son's life too at stake, for whom could he give his life too..

Outside MruNi's Apartment

Nandini got out of her car followed by Reeha and Mrunal while Manik and his family too walked towards them with their wide grins. But, before anyone could call out for Nandini, they heard a voice..

" Nannu.." and this voice was enough for Nandini to get another heart attack. She turned to the source of voice followed by each and everyone present around..

Raj (whispered ): Chote..!!

There stood, Vivek Murthy with his moistened eyes on seeing his lovely daughter while for a moment, forgetting his sudden arrival, Nandini crashed into Vivek's arms who picked her up and twirled her which scrunched her nose..

Nandini: Chachu, put me down..

Manik was about to move towards her on seeing a stranger beside his Lilliput but hearing her addressing the starnger as "Chachu" halted him in his tracks. He turned to his father to see him surprised yet happy..

Vivek kept Nandini on the ground and she balanced herself but soon enough, she was pulled into a bear hug by Vivek and a forehead kiss which is always must whenever he meets his daughters.

Reeha: Please tell me, I'm having a nightmare..

Reeha whispered to Mrunal, who looked at Vivek in horror..

Mrunal: We, practically can't have nightmares together, so I suppose we are not getting to see a nightmare..

Reeha held her head..

Reeha: Aur koi waqt hi nahi mila God ko chachu ko yaha laane keliye..?? Meri di li kove story kharab hojaega ab..

Vivek: You look so tired..

Vivek examined Nandini and found her weak which obviously is common in Nandini since the moment, she got pregnant..

Nandini: Let it be, for now, you need to explain something..

And, Nandini got back to her real self while remembering that her Chachu wasn't supposed to be here, in India, especially when she knows where Raj Malhotra is and she got married to the same Raj Malhotra's son..

Vivek: Ab mein apni beti se bhi mil nahi paaoonga..?

" Vivek, stop being dramatic.." someone said from the back and this time, even Reeha ran towards the person along with Nandini..

" Mihi Ma.." they shouted and threw their arms around Mihika making her to laugh and Vivek to pout..

Vivek: That's not fair, mujhe tho bas businessman ki welcome aur Mihika ko bollywood star ki welcome mili..

The girls showed their tongues to him and kissed Mihika's cheeks making the couple and Mrunal to smile..

Nyonika: Who is she..?

MaNan- Yearning to be lovedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें