Chapter- 32

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Betrayal! Have you ever come across of it..?!

If yes, it wouldn't be a pleasant feeling, neither to think about it. Maybe, it wouldn't be a big deal for some if they were betrayed by someone whom they didn't care about.

But, its not the same for the one whom you care about. Especially, if its your LOVE !!

When you love someone, you expect only one thing from them, the same love that you have for them. Some don't even bother if they don't get it back thinking one-sided love is enough to live a life. But, everything goes different, when you get betrayal in return instead of love or hatred.

Hatred is digestible but betray is not !!

Manik Malhotra was going through the same feeling. But, was it exactly a betrayal..?!!

In Malhotra Mansion

" Mom "..." Dad "...a trail of cries echoed throughout the Mansion which shook the entire place making each and everyone aware of the storm coming in their way.

" Mom..." the person shouted again and reached the dining table while descending down the stairs in long strides..

Nyonika ( shocked ): Mukti...kya hua..??

Mukti stood panting heavily with tears leaking out of her eyes and seeing it, Raj and Cabir, immediately stood up from their seats and rushed towards her..

Cabir: Muku..kya hua..huh, tum..tum ro kyu rahi ho..sab teek hai na baby..?

Raj: Princess, what happened..? Bolo tho sahi..

Mukti: Dad...

She started crying loudly and Cabir took her in a hug but she broke it forcefully on realizing something. She held a shocked Cabir's hand and dragged him to upstairs while others followed them..

Nyonika: Mukti, tum kar kya rahi ho..hua kya hai..will you speak up something..?

Nyonika shouted in anger and tension while following Mukti but everything went into deaf ears. Soon, they were standing in front of MaNan's bedroom.

Mukti: Bhai..

She whispered meekly while looking at Cabir, who looked at her with a tensed look..

Cabir: You're scaring me and you know I hate to get this tensed..

He spoke while holding onto her shoulders. Her tears didn't have an end..

Mukti: Manik Bhai needs you..just go inside..go..

She looked down while crying terribly..

Cabir ( angrily ): What do you even by that, Mukti..? Why does Bhai needs me..? And, where is Nandu, wo andhar hi hai na Bhai ke saath, phir hum yaha kya kar rahe hai..?

She looked up..

Mukti: Bhabi....nahi hai..

This made the three to get confused..

Mukti: Bhai..!!!

Cabir gasped on understanding the situation..

Cabir: You..can't be serious..?!

She simply banged in Raj's chest and Cabir stumbled in his place. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration..

Raj: Will someone tell me what's happening..?

MaNan- Yearning to be lovedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें