4: First day on the job

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Elizabeth POV

I still haven't gotten any update on any of my applications yet. Am I really not work material? It sucks I have to pay my bills this month and I'm not going to have enough for groceries. Should I call them and ask for any updates? No I'll just wait a couple more days.

My tired body got out of bed and stretched. Damn, it can get real lonely living alone with no job and nothing to do. It's not like I can go anywhere. I'm definitely not riding my bike around town. I need to find myself a man. That's what I really want. Someone to wake up next to. Someone that will hold me and tell me they love me, maybe even have kids with me. A girl can only dream right.


"Anyone know when the captain is coming into work this morning?" I asked getting my station prepared for customers.

"Well seeing that he was absent yesterday he won't be missing today so he should be here soon," said Gowther. I'm not sure what's been going through the captains head lately. I do know he's planning a mission but as for this girl he was thinking about hiring he hasn't said anything...

"Good morning bastards."

"Ah speaking of the devil. I was getting a little worried thought maybe you slept in." I said putting my hand on my hip.

"Okay so here's the deal. I've decided I'm hiring Elizabeth and if anyone has a problem about it then you can leave."

Oh. He must really like this girl. I can tell when captain is just trying to get laid and this isn't the case. He may seem like he's trying to have a one night stand with her but that's not it. He has the money to hire any hooker he wants so why would he go through all this trouble to add a girl to our gang just to sleep with her once, yeah right.

"I don't see a problem Cap. When is she starting?" I said.

"Today. Nobody say shit about the gang I'm going to do the talking at closing tonight." He definitely wants her there's no doubt.

All of a sudden the door opened. Finally our first customer. Wait it's my gorgeous queen!

"Hey Meliodas long time no see." She said walking over and kissing my best friends cheek. It didn't bother me because she's known him for years and he's always treated her like a sister. Non the less he got annoyed by her kiss.

"Hey babe. Didn't know you were going to visit me at work." I grabbed her waist and pulled her sweet soft lips into a kiss. Mmm I could kiss her forever.

"You're not going to say hi to me?" Said King. She pulled away from my lips and faced the rest of the sins.

"I don't need to say hi to you because I live with you. Anyway I came here because I heard you are open now and had to get a little taste for myself. Words on the street this place is actually good." Meliodas smirked liking the sound of that. The door opened again this time a group of men coming in.

"Okay I've got to get to work babe. Why don't you take a seat at the bar." I said letting go of my love to get ready to make food. The men sat down and Diane proceeded to take orders.

"Ban I'm going outside to make a quick phone call." Said my boss.

"Aye aye captain."

Meliodas POV

My feet took me outside to the front porch of the tavern to make a call to Elizabeth. Hopefully she answers.


"Hi Elizabeth right? This is Meliodas the bar owner. I went over all your papers and I think your a good fit for me...I mean for my company. You can come by today anytime to get started." I ran my fingers through my hair slightly nervous she wasn't going to come.

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