34: A change in plans

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Estarossa POV
The yelling finally stopped after a good hour. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. I don't know but it wasn't right. It's not like my brother hasn't done anything like this before but this is next level. He took Meliodas's girl and raped her. This is really bad. My brother came down the stairs and went to the kitchen to get some water. I didn't say anything because I was to scared to talk.

"Wow boss nice job she was really screaming up there." Said Grayroad, him and Drole were talking about what they would do to the two girls. I-I can't do this anymore this is so fucked up. To be honest I know Zeldris loves me but if I left the gang would he kill me? Soon Fraudrin and Galand came back to tell Zeldris what information they got from Elaine. I hope she's okay. After a couple of hours my brother passed out on the couch snoring Melascula was laying on top of him...And they guys were playing cards while smoking a bong.

I walked upstairs casually and tried to figure out what room she was in. I never really knew because I was never the one torturing someone. I always said no. My brother always insisted I try and have sex with some of the girls that came in but I always refused. One time he gave me a black eye because I didn't want a blowjob from a payed hooker. I know a lot of 16 year olds lose there virginity but I don't want to lose mine.

I tried one door which seemed to be locked, shit. Zeldris has the keys. If I ask for them he will certainly question me on why I need them. Damn it!

Meliodas's POV
"Hey King wake up." I said slapping his cheek.

"Huh? Where are we?" He slowly sat up in his seat and yawned.

"At a 7/11 gas station. It's 6:00am and we need to keep looking so I got you some coffee and your favorite chips." I threw the chip bag at him and the coffee was in the cup holder. I already filled the tank and got myself a breakfast sandwich and black coffee. For a backup I also got a pack of Red Bull and some snacks.

"Have we been driving all night?" He asked.

"Yeah and I won't stop until I have both girls safe." I gripped the steering wheel hard and started on the road again.

"Did you even sleep last night?"

"How can I sleep when the love of my life is in danger." King stayed quiet and looked out the window.

"Plus with Elaine pregnant I have to protect her for Ban."

"WHAT?! Pregnant since when?" I raised an eye brow then glanced at him.

"She didn't tell you?"

"No...she never tells me anything. Shit I can't believe it. I am suppose to visit Ban with Elaine maybe she was gonna tell him when we went. What is he gonna think when I show up with out Elaine?"

"Shut up your stressing me out. I'm already dodging every fucking police cruiser we pass. Okay okay here's what's gonna happen." I pulled over to a random lot and ran a hand through my hair.

"Did Gil ever call back about Arthur?" I asked. He checked his phone and saw a few missed calls.

"Yeah he did. I'll call him right now."

I was so stressed I turned off the car and got out. King was talking to Gil and I think everything was okay. I laid my head down on my car and took a deep breath.

"Elizabeth just hang in there I promise I'm coming." I whispered to myself. Just thinking of her made me feel happy but then I realized she wasn't safe and the happiest fades away. Why! Fuck think Meliodas! Where could the commandments be hiding? I got back in the car and King had just hung up.

"Gil says Arthur is recovering well and he's really sorry about what happened. He also said that Griamore left because he was scared of what would happen for failing to protect Elaine." Shit I totally forgot about Griamore. That son of a bitch!

"That fucking cunt! I knew he was gonna fuck up! I'll kill him next time I see him I don't even care." I said and laid my head on the steering wheel.

"I need Ban and Merlin here. I need the sins back!" I yelled.

"I don't know captain it seems your scared because if this was you a year ago you would have walked right into that prison and taken them out by now." King leaned back in his seat. That little shit.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY IN SOFT!" I yelled. He laughed and punched my arm.

"Fuck the cops let's just get the rest of the guys and get our gang out of prison. We will just have to bring a lot of ammo and remember they have guns too."

"I don't know. What if I get caught! I need to be there for Elizabeth."

"Okay well to be there for her you need to have her here." I punched him and got angry instantly.

"Watch your fucking mouth."

"Okay okay come on captain let's go get Gil and the others and fucking break the sins out. Your Meliodas sin of wrath and your telling me your scared of some cops? Pfffff not the captain I know."

He's so right. I've been procrastinating this whole time. If I want Elizabeth safe in my arms I'm gonna have to take risks and big ones too.

Estarossa POV
I mustered up some Courage to convince my brother for the keys. He was still asleep and Melascula was still laying on him like a slutty weirdo. Jesus she would do anything to get in his pants. I tapped on her shoulder and cleared my throat.

"Can I just get those keys real quick?"

"Why?" She asked looking at me strangely. I tried to play it off like I knew what I was talking about.

"Uh I just have some stuff in a room up there I need to get to. I think Zel locked it on accident thinking it was another room."

"Fine." She took the keys from his pocket and gave it to me. I mentally did a little dance and walked away as casually as possible. She's so stupid I can't believe she fell for that. When I walked upstairs I went straight to that room and unlocked it quick. I shut the door quietly behind me and sighed. Yes I made it in.

When I turned around I couldn't help but stare and be wide eyed. The girl was completely naked tied down by her ankles and wrists to the bed. She was asleep and had bruises all over her body. I was shocked, terrified even. I shut my eyes and turned away. It was just to much to handle. This poor woman.

I don't know where her clothes are but I grabbed a near by blanket and put it over her body. I then took my pocket knife out from my jeans and started cutting the rope that was holding her down. I was praying to god that no one walks in. She started groaning and quickly opened her eyes and started kicking and yelling. Before she got too loud I put my hand over her mouth quick and put a finger to my lips.

"Shhhh please I'm not gonna hurt you I promise." She slowed her breathing and looked around.

"I'm sorry this happened but I need you to be quiet so we don't get caught." I finished cutting the rope and without hesitation she leaped on me hugging me hard with tears flying down her face.

"Thank you so much! Who are you?"

"I'm Estarossa Meliodas's younger brother."

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