19: (Needs a title)

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Meliodas POV in the past
"This food fucking sucks man." I said to my best friend. It was lunch time and I had gotten a cheeseburger with chips and an apple. I also had a granola bar and orange juice.

"Come on don't hate on a cheeseburger." He said chomping his down quickly. I sighed and decided to eat my apple. I looked over to see my brother sitting with his new girlfriend. They were chatting it up about something over there. I wasn't sure but she was laughing up a storm.

"Who's that?"

"Zeldris got himself a girlfriend. Her names Gelda." I said then looked back at my friend.

"Cute. Hey babe you gonna eat that?" He said pointing to his girlfriends plate.

"Ban relax you're acting like you never ate. Have some manners." She said flipping her hair. It was funny the relationship between these two. Elaine was always keeping him in check.

"Listen guys, I'm so fucking sick and tired of my father getting drunk every night and hitting me and my brothers. So as soon as we graduate this dump I'm moving out and doing whatever the fuck I want." I said

"Woah, that sounds like something I can rock too. What about you babe?" Ban asked looking over at his love. His arm now around her. Suddenly a kid I've never seen before walks up and plops down next to Elaine. I was confused and kinda weirded out.

"Who the fuck is this?" I said pointing to the guy and looking at my best friend.

"My twin brother Harlequin. I never told you about him?" Elaine said.

"Twin brother?!" I looked him up and down. Well now that I think about it yeah he does look a lot like Elaine.

"Can I please sit here Helbrum made me really mad." He said then took a sip of his water.

"What did he do?" Ban asked now curious.

"He said that Oslo is annoying and wishes he was in a crate outside."

I felt like laughing. Is he talking about their dog? Okay so I meet this new kid, he's gay and loves his doggy, sweet. My kind of guy.

"Yo kid after we graduate I'm running away with Ban. We're gonna do whatever we want, drink, maybe steal, I know Ban loves that. Anyway my point is Elaine is coming too so that means you are as well. I want you to be in a group with me what do you say?" He looked shocked.

"What?! I-I can't leave Helbrum." I pat his back with a big smile.

"He can come too. Listen we can all be one big happy family. Right Ban?" He was still munching on some food but nodded.

I hope I can get my brothers to join me. We could take over the fucking town. All of us together. I could fuck any chick I wanted, drink, smoke, I can be a damn celebrity! Hell yeah! After school when I was driving home I pitched my idea to Zeldris.

"Dude what the fuck are you talking about?" He said looking over at me.

"I'm sick and tired of dad abusing us. Let's just leave and do what we want. Fuck him." I said taking the next left.

"I can't do that. Estarossa is only 11 he can't live a life like that. Plus I don't want to leave Gelda behind. What would mom think about this? Are you crazy?"

I clenched my teeth and gripped the steering wheel hard. Son of a bitch. I was furious with my brother. I didn't say an other word to him on the way home. I was just to mad.

The day I graduated I had bought some flowers and visited my mothers grave. I also had a blanket and my lunch. I wasn't haven't a big going away to college party or anything like that everyone else was having because my father didn't care and my brothers knew I was leaving them. So I decided to spend my day celebrating with her instead.

I laid the blanket down and sat enjoying my food. I smiled happily and looked at the grave stone in front of me.

"I graduated high school today mom. I thought I would come say goodbye before I left and became my own man. It's hard to leave my brothers behind with an abusive father but they don't want to come. I'm sorry if I failed them mother. I'm sorry if my decision makes you upset. I promise one day I'll find a woman as sweet and beautiful as you once were. Thank you for being my mother."

"Okay Elizabeth you sure you want to come with me?" I asked the girl that was now sitting in my car. We were on our way to Elaines house to discuss the plans.

"I've made up my mind and I want to stay by your side and help you Meliodas." She said smiling happily. It made me happy hearing what she had to say. I leaned over to quickly peck her lips which made her blush. I then winked at her before driving off to Elaines.

Once we got there I saw some other cars park in the driveway and smiled knowing my old friends were here. It's been a long time since I've seen them. I held Elizabeth's hand walking in and was greeted by an excited dog. Oslo always getting crazy when he saw me. Next I saw Elaine talking with the guys. Laughing and discussing memories.

"Meliodas!" Gil said coming over and picking me up. He squeezed me hard and laughed happily.

"Little Gil? Your not so little anymore are ya?" He put me down and I was greeted by all the others.

"Elizabeth these are some good friends I had as a kid and through high school. Arthur, Gil, Griamore, Howzer, and Helbrum. Everyone this is Elizabeth my future wife." I said grinning big and grabbing onto her boobs. She blushed wildly and squealed from embarrassment.

"Haha yup definitely the same old Meliodas." Said Howzer chuckling. Elaine rolled her eyes and peeled me off of Elizabeth.

"Pervert. Now get to the point and discuss your plan out already." She said annoyed. Okay I guess it's time to get serious.

"Fine. Okay I'm going to assume that Elaine let you know what happened?" I said looking around the room. They all nodded and now looked sad.

"So I'm not allowed to visit King in the hospital. So I'm gonna need Helbrum to go in and see him. He would obviously be really happy to see you. I need you to ask him who shot him and get as much info as possible. Next we need to figure out what prison the sins are being held at. I'm gonna need Gil and Howzer to go in public and get as much info as you can. Never let your guard down. Griamore and Arthur you have a special job. Whenever I'm not with any of these two girls here I need you to protect them. Whoever started this is still out there." 

Everyone nodded and then I felt Elizabeth's hand on my shoulder. She looked sad.

"What about you? I want to protect you too Meliodas and I want to go visit Sir King." Such a sweet girl. This is why I can't stay away she's so amazing. I grabbed her hips and pulled her up to me. She was blushing but smiling happily. She then put her hands around my neck.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I promise when this is over I'll tell you everything and we can be happy." She hummed and laid her head on top of mine. I wish I could just hold her forever.

Thanks for reading don't forget to vote and comment. Also I need help with what to call this chapter any ideas?

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