15: Shots fired

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3rd person at the tavern
The sins had the bar open and running smoothly with customers coming in. King and Gowther were getting good tips as they bussed tables. Escanor and Ban were making costumer happy with their skills. Diane was getting a lot of looks from different men as she waited tables. Merlin was upstairs.

"Ugh there's to many people in here and they are all looking at Diane!" King said walking into the kitchen with a pile of dishes. He had a light blush on his cheeks when he said Dianes name.

"Don't sweat it no ones gonna steal your girl." Ban said cooking up something delicious.

"How do you know. All those guys are so much bigger and cooler than me. I'm only a short little shrimp."

"So what you've got a baby face and your a little short who cares. The captain is the same."

"Yeah but the captain is cool and handsome. He's got the body and the swag."

"Why don't you stop comparing yourself to other people and just be you. Come on man don't make me get all soft." Ban said now plating the food and putting it in the window to be sent out. King didn't reply he just thought. Maybe Ban was right. He needed to be his own man.

"Ahhhh!" Screams were heard in the dinning area as well as crashed and bangs.

"Woah the fuck is happening?" Ban ran out of the kitchen as well as King.

"So you wanna kill one of my crew Meliodas?" Zeldris said holding his gun out at everyone in the bar. Customers were cowering on the floor begging to live.

"Shit the Commandments." Ban said and grabbed King making sure he was close to him. Kings heart was pounding he was sweating from the nerves. He met with this gang once before but Meliodas usually took care of it. Escanor was worried as well, shaking in his spot even. Diane wasn't scared at all she stood her ground and even narrowed her eyes at Zeldris. Merlin heard from upstairs but waited wanting the right moment to come down and help.

"Where is Meliodas?" Zeldris asked looking around the room. He turned behind him telling Galand to search the place. The girls were sitting on tables just waiting for orders. They didn't really seem like they wanted to be there.

"He's not here. What do you want?" Diane spoke. Zeldris smirked then took a couple steps toward Diane. He looked her body up and down then licked his lips.

"Ya know it's kinda sexy when a woman stands up to a man." Zeldris said. Diane feeling disgusted rolled her eyes. King was gritting his teeth and clenching his fists hard.

"I'll ask one more time. Where is Meliodas?" He then got right in Dianes face. King couldn't take it he was gonna burst.

"He's not fucking here! Now get away from her!" King charged Zeldris only to be shot.


King looked down at his wound in complete shock. He then looked around the room for some kind of explanation of what just happened. His hand came down to feel the blood pouring out of his chest. Not to long he was passed out on the floor.

"King!!" The whole crew yelled. Diane went straight to his side to put pressure on the wound but the bullet had went straight through.

"Shit! Look what you did!" She screamed with tears coming down her eyes.

"We need to get him to the hospital!" Escanor yelled. Merlin immediately took out her cell phone to contact Meliodas. She called but no answer. She tried again and again but no one answered.

"Damn it captain what are you doing?!" She whispered to her self.

Meliodas POV
"Ah shit yeah." I jerked myself hard. I had my laptop setup in front of me with a girl screaming her head off. She was being fingered hard by a man. Her legs shaking beneath her and she was squirting like crazy. He man drinking it up after. Shit I wish I could do that to Elizabeth. I would make her squirt so fucking hard.

I added more lotion to my hand then continued to jerk. I head flying back and hitting the pillow on the bed. My phone was ringing but I didn't care. This was my time and I really fucking needed it. I started moaning to myself loving the feeling of my own hand. With my other hand I grabbed my balls hard playing with them which felt really good.

"Fuck yes! Play with that pussy." I said watching the woman on the screen. I can't wait to cum so hard. Mmmmm. I got up and grabbed a different pillow and folded it. I then stuck my dick in it and started thrusting hard. Nothing could ruin this moment. I needed this so bad. When I'm angry this really makes me feel so much better. You know what fuck everything I'm going to just kill everyone that's in my way. I'm going to fuck every girl in this town and I won't stop. That's how angry I am about Elizabeth leaving me.

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