42: The End

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1 year later

"Honey hurry I'm calling them!" Elizabeth said as she started FaceTiming Elaine. Meliodas came running into the living room excited.

"Okay I'm here!" He said and sat next to her. She answered smiling wide. She was holding her son and Ban was sitting next to her.

"Happy birthday Lancelot!" Meliodas and Elizabeth said at the same time.

"1 year old I can't believe it." Elizabeth said smiling at the little baby on the other end of the phone.

"Who's that? Is that uncle Meliodas and Auntie Elizabeth?" Elaine said talking to her baby. He small boy got excited and clapped his hands. Everyone giggled and awwwed at how cute he is.

"Ban I hope your helping out with the baby." Meliodas said teased.

"Of course I'm helping out. I change his diaper here and there. Listen once your baby is born then you will know how hard it is." Ban said.

"Speaking of Baby how are you doing Elizabeth your really close right? A few weeks?" Elaine asked.

"I'm doing really good actually with the doctor says the pregnancy is going very smooth and that I should be due on time. Of course with the boys help it's easy." Out of no where bursting through the front door came Estarossa. He threw his backpack down and took off his shoes.

"Am I late!?" He said running over to the couple sitting on the couch.

"Just in time." Meliodas said.

"Estarossa just got off work and he was really excited to say happy birthday to the baby." Meliodas explained.

"Hi! Happy birthday little guys. Hey auntie Elaine I sent a package for Lance let me know when you get it okay."

"Aww Estarossa your so sweet thank you." Estarossa smiled then walked away to the kitchen to get some food.

"How's King and Diane?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oh don't get me started!" Ban said grabbing at his hair.

"Diane is always so loud and annoying and all up in your business."

"Um why are you saying that like it's new? Diane has been that way since the day we met her." Meliodas scratched his head.

"Oh yeah your right." Ban laughed and Elizabeth giggled. Elaine rolled her eyes at her husband.

"Harlequin is doing really well. He finally hit a bit of growth spurt late bloomer. But he missed you guys and always talks about you." Meliodas blushed slightly but smiled after.

"Guess I gotta give him a call then." Lance started crying on the other end of the phone.

"Guess that's our goodbye. The little guy is probably hungry. I'll speak with you two later and again thanks so much for calling bye!" The call ended and the married couple smiled at each other.

"I'm so glad, lance is so cute!"

"Yeah he is but I bet our baby will be cuter." Meliodas leaned over kissing his wife's stomach. Not only was that the craziest year of both of there lives but a year they would never forget. Now let's see what the future has in store for Meliodas and Elizabeth.
The end

Thanks for all the support guys. If your wondering yes there will be a second book. I don't have a name for it yet but if you want to know what the hell you just read and need answers I'll be publishing the next book most likely next week. Stick around! Found out what happened to Zeldris, and all the other sins, find out more info on Gelda's suspicious death and so much more!

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