36: Missing you

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Meliodas's POV
I was looking at a picture of my sweet heart on my phone. She was kissing my cheek when I snapped the photo. I smiled at how adorable she is. Everything about her makes me feel so happy. The fact that she loves me and wants to be with me even though she doesn't agree with the things I've done in the past or even things I do now.

She's extremely smart and kind and everything in between. She cares so much for other people and has taught me so much. She's taught me how to be a better man. I know I have so much more to learn about her and she has a lot to learn about me. She reminds me so much of my mother that it's almost like my mom sent her to me?

It feels like my mom is watching me from up there and knows I need help, guidance and love to fill the holes I had in my heart. I meet Elizabeth and all of a sudden it feels like life before my mother died, happy and loving. She means the world to me so this is why I will do anything to get her back safe and sound in my arms. Even if it means killing my own brother.

"Okay Boss what's the plan?" I was shaken from my starring at the picture to see my small group looking at me. Griamore was absent and trust me after I finish this mission I'll make sure he pays. Arthur was still too injured to be here. So it was just me, Gil, King, Howzer, and Helbrum. Helbrum and King have been acting really fucking weird this whole time but I really don't care.

"As you know things have gone really fucking south and I need my gang ASAP. So literally we are gonna wing this and just fucking barge in that jail and take some people out. Lots of people are gonna die today, but as you know I will do anything to save Elizabeth and Elaine even if it means killing a comrade. So get mentally prepared boys.

I had a bag full of ammo ready to go. King had a plan to start a fire for a distraction. They are gonna have to let them out of their cells if the fire is good enough.

"King go over the plan with them in the car. Let's go, I'm done waiting and I want my girl back TODAY so no screwing around."

"Yes sir." Said Howzer we all got into the car and I got in the drivers seat. King in the passenger seat and the rest in the back. I had my GPS on guiding me where to go. I was going at least 50 and when the speed limit was 35. I gripped my steering wheel so hard I could just rip it off right now. I swear to god if he lays a hand on my woman...

Elizabeth POV
Estarossa has been kindly bringing me up some food and water and checking on me every now and then. He says he wishes he could let me go but he doesn't want to get caught and his brother wouldn't hesitate to hurt him.

Apparently Zeldris isn't himself and feels like this is the only way to forget about his love? I don't know who his love is but it must have been a really bad breakup if he feels the need to torture me. I found out that Elaine is okay and she wasn't being hurt. They only had her locked up because they didn't want her going to the police. Zeldris only wants to hurt me... And he has, bad. I'm lucky that he pulled out when he raped me if not I would be pregnant with his kid.

Suddenly I heard the door handle jiggle and there he was. The monster keeping me captive in here and away from my love. I instantly went hiding in the corner and held my body tight. I was no longer tied up. He smirked and locked the door behind him.

"Good morning Elizabeth."

"Stay away from me!" I yelled while holding my knees to my chest.

"Woah calm down I just wanted to come spend some time with you that's all." He started walking closer to me which made my heart race and lip quiver.

"Please don't hurt me I didn't do anything wrong."

"Shhh it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna talk." He came close and moved my hair away from my face. His touch made me flinch and I got instant flashbacks to my father. His is exactly how he would treat me. I was so scared tears started falling down my face like a waterfall.

"Tell me Elizabeth, have you ever lost someone precious to you?" He said starring right into my eyes. I didn't answer I wasn't sure what to say.

"I've lost more than you can imagine." He backed up finally and sat on the floor just looking at me as if he was trying to figure out what he wanted to do with me.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you doing this?" I asked out of frustration. He tapped his fingers on the wood floor and licked his lips.

"Hmmm well for starters it's fun. I hate my brother and to ruin him for what he's done to me I'll ruin you. See it's easy that why. I'm torturing him just by having you here. I'm sure he's probably been searching everywhere and going insane mentally tearing himself apart. That's just what I want."

I was disgusted. I don't understand why that means he gets to beat and rape me?! Jesus if it wasn't for Estarossa I'd probably be starving as well.

"You think it's fun to torture innocent people? Your sick." I looked away, I didn't want to see his horrid face anymore.

"You think I'm sick? No I don't think so, in fact I'm better than ever. I can finally feel happy now that Meliodas is suffering."

"What has he done to deserve this? I don't understand this madness." I said still holding myself tight scared of being hit. He stood up and walked towards me. His much more muscular physique was intimidating because I knew he was only gonna use his strength to hurt me. Suddenly I felt my hair being pulled hard. He picked me up by my hair and got right in my face.

"Stop asking me so many fucking questions or I'll have to start unbuckling my pants got it!"

"Yes yes I understand!" I pleaded wanting to be put down. Meliodas please hurry I'm scared!

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