35: Elizabeth's past

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Estarossa POV
"Meliodas's little brother? Your look much older than him?" She said in a whisper voice. I had locked the door so no one could get in. I was mentally shaking though just thinking about what would happen to me if I was caught.

"Yeah I know I get that a lot. Listen I know there is a bunch of stuff your wondering and want to know right now but we needa get you out of here. It's not safe for you here. I also don't know where your clothes are sorry."

"Wait...what about my friend what about Elaine." She said very worried.

"I don't know."

"Please make sure she's safe! She can't get hurt she's pregnant." My eyes widened. Oh no things just got a lot harder. Damn it. Suddenly I heard footsteps up the stairs and I panicked.

"Esta? What are you doing, Melascula said you took my keys." I heard my brother call for me. I didn't answer because I was so scared. What do I do!

"Hey you better not be in that room with that girl!" He yelled and started knocking on the door.

"I'll be out in a second!" I yelled back

"You better get your ass out here right now! What are you doing in there?!"

I looked at Elizabeth and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and started doing as I told her.

"Ahhhhh! Ouch please don't hurt me anymore!" She yelled as I pretended to slap her by clapping me hands together.

"YOU SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH GOT IT!" I yelled back. Zeldris stayed quiet and after a bit of her fake screaming I walked out. Zeldris grabbed my shoulders and smiled at me.

"I'm proud of you Esta, roughing her up I see. I knew you would come out of your shell soon." I hugged him but in my head I felt like crying. This isn't the Zeldris I once knew. The soft gentle caring brother that use to kiss me to sleep and save me from monsters. Now he was the monster just like my father...

Elizabeth POV in the past
I was finishing up some school work that I've been doing for hours. I don't like doing work but I can't help but get it done. I put the papers in my backpack and left the town library. It was pretty late but this happens often. I rode my bike home and was really excited to eat dinner and go to bed.

When I got home I saw Margaret sitting on the couch talking to someone on the phone. Veronica was most likely up stairs in her room.

"Hey Ellie, there's some dinner on the table waiting for you." I quickly put my stuff down and made it quick to the table. I was starving. I hadn't eating anything since this morning. It was rice with some fried up vegetables and chicken. I'm gonna guess my sisters cooked this since my dad doesn't do anything for anyone. Speaking of the devil.

"Hey honey, it's a bit late don't ya think?" He said sitting down right next to me. I swallowed my food and moved my hair behind my ear to get a better look at him.

"Sorry dad I have a really important test this week." He stayed silent then suddenly I felt his hand on my thigh. Oh no not again...

"How could I stay mad at you. My sweet little princess, your so beautiful and look just like your mother." His hand started rubbing up my skirt which instinctively made me slap his hand away. He growled and then grabbed me by my throat. I knew better not to make a sound or I'd be in some big trouble.

I looked in the other room to see Margaret still on the phone. My sisters had no idea that this has been going on for quite some time now. My father said if I told them or tried calling the police he wouldn't hesitate to get me pregnant.... ever since that day I've been living in hell.

"Do not slap me again understand?" I slowly nodded and felt tears roll down my eyes. Why, why does this have to be my father? He pulled me into a hug and stroked my back.

"Shhhh it's okay baby, daddy's got you."

Zeldris POV in the past
Gelda has been gone for 9 months now and I wish I could say I've gotten back on my feet but I'd be lying to myself. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom only to see my brother peeing in the toilet.

"Hey! Get out." I shut the door and waited outside for my turn. He flushed the toilet and walked out.

"Okay all done...woah Zel your body.." he said looking at my shirtless torso. I was covered in bruises and cuts all up my wrists. I walked past him and shut the door.

"Don't worry about it." I said.

I looked in the mirror to see my black eye and sighed. I cut myself to see if I can still feel pain because I'm so used to being beaten by my father. If Meliodas was here he would definitely take dad down in a second. But I'm so scared to stand up to him. Sometimes when I think about everything I've lost I keep considering whether or not killing myself is an option. The tears fell from my eyes thinking about it.

"Hey! Zeldris you son a bitch are you in there!" My body instantly started shaking just by the sound of his voice.

"I'll be out in a minute dad!" Shit what am I suppose to do...

"Open this door now!" He started banging on the door and I couldn't help but panic. Shit shit shit! He went as far to knock the door off the hinges and completely pull it off. This was not odd for my father. There were holes all over the walls and broken things everywhere.

"Dad please I didn't do anything!" I said holding my arms up. I'm gonna guess Estarossa was hiding in his closet. I told him to go there when he was scared.

"Your a disgrace of a son. Your the reason your beautiful mother died!"

"What?!" He grabbed me by my throat and held me up in the air. I kicked my legs and begged for him to stop.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN DISRESPECT ME?! I'm the real man in this house!" He threw me in the hallway and I gasped for air.

"Estarossa call the police." I muttered and tried to get away. We have called the cops multiple times on him but every time they come my father some how gets away with it! He's been in jail before and even got out! I've had enough he's going to jail today! My little brother ran downstairs to grab the phone and dial 911. I should have ran away with Meliodas when I had the chance.

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