24: Smut part 1

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Meliodas POV
"Well her name was Melody, that's why she named me Meliodas. She met my father at a bar one night and next thing I know I was born. Her and my father were so in love it was sickening to watch. I remember coming into the kitchen for dinner and my father would always be grabbing my mother's ass as she was cooking. He was always kissing her." I said rolling my eyes.

"Sounds like someone I know." Elizabeth giggled. I chuckled along with her then continued my story.

"Melody was beautiful probably the most beautiful I've ever met, and then I met you." She blushed wildly which made me smirk. She's so damn adorable I love it.

"You're so adorable when you blush like that Elizabeth." I then felt her bury her face into my chest trying to hide from me. So fucking cute. I laid back on the couch and brought her with me. She laid on top on me with her head laying on me and her body between my legs.

"Meliodas do you really mean that?" I stroked her gorgeous long silver hair and looked down and the woman before me.

"Yeah I do. I picked you for a reason Elizabeth. When I saw ya I knew I had to get ya." She smiled happily and squealed. Shit can she be more adorable?

"Tell me more." She said. I put my arms behind my head getting comfortable.

"She ended up giving birth to two more boys 2 years after me came my brother Zeldris and 5 years after him came Estarossa. My mother loved my father a lot but she loved her children more than anything. I couldn't have asked any other woman to be my mom. She took such good care of me and my brothers. When she got sick I was 10 years old. She died pretty quickly after they diagnosed her. After that my father broke down and became a basket case. He would get drunk and break shit around the house. Yell at us and hit us. We dealt with that for 8 years." She frown and held onto me tighter.

"That sounds a lot like my father." She said softly. I've heard her mention that before but I never asked her because I didn't know if it was to personal. I rubbed her back comforting her feeling bad.

"We don't have to talk about this. I'm sorry if I triggered you Elizabeth." She sat up slightly and moved close to my lips. I felt her softly peck my lips then look into my eyes.

"No it's okay. It's all in the past now and I'm safe with a handsome, strong, smart man taking care of me now. His names Meliodas and I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'm in love with him. I haven't been this happy to get to know a person in so long."

She loves me!! She said it! I think I just came in my pants I'm so excited!

"I love you too." Next think I knew I slammed my lips onto hers. She kissed me back and pulled my face into hers hard. I slithered my tongue into her mouth making sure to lick all around and claim dominance. She moaned against me. I could feel my cock starting to harden up already.

She ran her fingers through my hair as I moved from her lips down her jaw line and too her neck. I made sure to leave my marks wanting everyone to know she was mine. I bit and sucked at her sensitive skin.

"Oh Meliodas." She moaned. I made my way to the other side of her neck planting hickeys and kisses there as well. She's going to be black and blue by the time I'm done with her. She then squealed causing me to pull away.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She looked down and then giggled.

"You startled me." She pointed down to my now prominent bulge down below. I smiled nervously with a blush.


"It's okay I like it." She pushed her body back up against my boner and I let out a groan. I then took my shirt off and threw it on the floor. She blushed wildly and then ran her hands up and down my abdomen and chest.

"Your so sexy." She whispered in my ear. I shuttered and felt a tingle go down my spine and she practically worshiped my muscles. Her hands felt every part of me from my neck down to my shoulders, my biceps and all the way down till she traced my V line with her finger tips.

I felt like showing off for her so I flexed my arms. The veins in my arms popped out more and biceps peaked up. She felt them and bit her lip.

"My baby is so strong and sexy." I couldn't help but smirk. It really turned my on that she was enjoying my body like this. There was now a full on tent in my pants. My zipper threatening to burst open. It's my turn to show her how much I appreciate her body now. I picked her up and threw her body over my shoulder. She screamed with excitement as I slapped her ass that was now in the air.

I brought her to my bedroom and threw her on my bed. I was starting to get real excited. I already had plans of what I was going to do with her. Shit I'm seriously so fucking horny I might just cum hands free in my pants just thinking about what I was gonna do to her. First off I need to get her clothes off.

"Elizabeth are you ready baby?"

"I really like this outfit so if you don't mind please don't rip these off me this time." I smirked and chuckled. How did she know I was gonna do that. Oh yeah because I'm a beast when it comes to sex. I could just feel like blood getting hotter by the second. I was going to leave her sore tomorrow. She won't be able to walk when I'm down. I did as I was told though and took her shirt off of her properly.

Then when I got to those big, plump milky white breasts I couldn't help my self. I literally destroyed her bra ripped in to shreds off of her. My arms bulging from the strength I had.

"Finally, so fucking sexy." I grabbed both of them bouncing them around massaging them. She was biting her lip hard and threw her head back. No I needed moans too I need to get more rough. I ran my thumbs over her pink nipples. They were so hard and definitely waiting to be sucked on.

To be continued....

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