10: To much drama

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Zeldris POV
So Derieri never returned to me. I'm going to assume my brother ended her which is really annoying! I didn't even get any info on them fuck! You don't just take out one of my people without paying. As I sat up in my bed I heard some racket in the living room. The clock read 9:00am.

The sound was driving me crazy! I didn't even get dressed before storming out into the living room.

"The fuck is going on?!" I yelled.

"Oh sorry Zel. I was making some pancakes." I face palmed, you could practically see the steam coming out of my ears.

"Estarossa keep it down it's to early for this shit. We have a lot of work to do today okay. I think Meliodas killed Derieri and I'm really pissed about it. I don't even know what I'm suppose to say to the rest of the gang!" I walked back and forth pulling at my hair.

"Listen calm down and enjoy your morning. I'll deal with the problems okay. It doesn't even seem like the sins have done a heist in a long time. They're all wanted and anything they really do is risky. I mean that tavern they are running is super risky. What I'm saying is they are due for a bite in the ass. It's only a matter of time brother."

He's right I need to just relax. I swear Meliodas I'll fucking kill you if I have too.

Meliodas POV
Damn what time is it? I looked around and realized there was a woman sleeping on my chest. No not just any woman it was her. The goddess. My gorgeous Elizabeth. She slept peacefully on me with her leg wrapped around my legs. Our naked bodies smooshed together.

Shit last night was good. Best sex I had in a REALLY long time. It wasn't rough at all. It was loving and caring. I've never felt like that during sex. She was tell me how handsome I was and how sweet I was which made me feel really good. Even the way she simply stroked my hair. It was just a magical experience. I mean when we were done she even cried and told me thank you as if I had saved her from a nightmare.

But I don't really understand how I helped her. I'll ask when she wakes up. I really have to piss and I want something to eat but I don't want to wake her up. Guess I'll check my phone till she wakes. I reached over to my nightstand grabbing my phone and checking to see 6 missed calls from Ban. Oh shit what happened now? I can't be gone for one night without these idiots messing shit up.

I'm feeling stressed out already just thinking about what he has to say. On top of the fact that I still haven't told Elizabeth about the gang. I also haven't seen anything from Zeldris since I killed Derieri. I also have to do this robbery like tomorrow! Shit this is to much. I don't even know how many drugs have been dealt with this week. Fuck my mind feels like it's closing in. I need to get out of this bed.

That's what I did. I was having an anxiety attack. I needed to get shit resolved and fast! I slipped out from Elizabeth and grabbed a pair of boxers putting them on quick then a t shirt. I grabbed my phone and walked out into the kitchen instantly looking for my alcohol. I didn't even pour it in a glass I just gulped it from the bottle. Mmmm it felt so good.

Next thing I knew my fist was through the wall.


I didn't think I hit it that hard. Everything I get anxious or angry I punch something. This is probably one of 30 holes I have around the house. I've patched about 5 of them but I can't keep up. It just happens. I need to get on the phone with Ban.

After a few seconds he picked up.

"Oh so now you want to answer my call?"

"Listen Ban I'm freaking out man!" I started pacing back and forth.

"What's up? You sound a little shaky Captain. Are you having an anxiety attack?"

"Yes! I have to many things on my mind right now! I'm sorry I didn't come in the tavern last night. I slept with Elizabeth.." I said that last part quiet.

"Ah! I knew it, Captain you sly dog. Is she still there?"

"Yes but it's different she's not like any other girl ya know? It's like you an Elaine! But I don't understand this feeling Ban." I couldn't help but grab at my hair.

"Woah slow down man. Calm down enjoy your morning and why don't you meet up with my this afternoon we can talk shit out. I have some stuff to talk about anyway okay." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"Okay meet me at the tavern at 1:00."

I hung up the phone and went back to the kitchen taking a couple more gulps of ale. Okay I think I'm okay. I wish I could smoke some weed right now but I don't want to freak out Elizabeth. I don't know how she feels about pot. Speaking of Elizabeth.

"Meliodas." I heard that sweet voice call for me. She sounded like she was still in my room. My legs practically ran into my room excited to see her.

"Hey Elizabeth!" I put my hands on my hips and smiled widely at her. She was wrapped up in the blanket still in bed but her face was slightly red.

"Do you have any extra clothes? You destroyed my leggings last night and I can't find my panties." Her voice was so angelic.

"Oh sure. Sorry about that I can be a bit aggressive. As for your panties I took those. Hehe." I was now going through my draw looking for something she could wear.

"Eeeek! You took my panties, Meliodas!"

"Ah here we go this should do." I grabbed a pair of my boxers and some baskets shorts. Next thing I knew I was by the edge of the bed smiling happily as can be at her. Oh gosh she makes me so happy.

"Here ya go. You know where the bathroom is when your done why don't you come out and join me for some breakfast!" She nodded still blushing like crazy. How cute.

Yup the Ale definitely made me feel better! Gotta love alcohol.

"Ban did you eat something this morning?" Why does she always ask me questions like that? I'm not a fucking kid.

"Yes Elaine. Do you have to always baby me?"

"I'm not babying you I just care about you. I just want to make sure your happy." I rolled my eyes and grabbed her waist.

"I'm always happy when I'm with you. You don't need to make food for me to make me happy. But thank you love." I leaned over kissing her lips sweetly. They taste so good I could kiss them for hours.

"Can you two not make out in the kitchen please?" Said King opening the fridge.

"Sorry squirt." I let go of Elaine and sat at the table.

"Harlequin I thought you slept at the Boar hat last night?"

"No I decided to come home." He grabbed the milk out and started pouring some cereal.

"So I talked to the captain this morning. He's really stressed out." I crossed my arms

"Did you tell him about early close?" King asked now bringing his bowl to the table.

"No. I'm meeting up with him at 1:00 today at the tavern. He told me he slept with Elizabeth last night."

"Shit I knew it." King said then chomped on his fruity pebbles.
"Sounds like Meliodas all he cares about is sex and money." Elaine sighed

"No no this is different I think he's actually in love. To be honest he hasn't been acting this weird in a long time. The gang always came first but now it's different. I'll let you guys know what the deal is after I talk with him."

"Sounds pretty serious. Harlequin have you talked to Meliodas about Diane yet?" King immediately became red and joked on his food.

"N-no not yet." She rolled her eyes and I just laughed. To much drama when it comes to the seven deadly sins.

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