30: Dianes feelings

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Slader POV
At lunch purposely sat next to Ban so I could pass off the screw driver. I looked around seeing where the guards were and looked at the cameras. If I get caught I'll never get out of here. I heard Ban slurp his soup then look over at me with just his eyes.

"Soooo." He whispered then looked around the table to see if any of the other inmates were looking. I looked too and when there was finally an opening I slipped it in his pocket. He chuckled and took another sip of his soup.

"Your a fucking G Slader." I smiled happily knowing we were one step closer to our plan.

"You got any kids Ban?" He laughed then looked over at me.

"You wish, if I had a little rascal running around I would be the worst father ever. Nobody wants a criminal father. How do you even look up to that? No offense."

He was right. I'm disgusted with myself as a father. They got taking away in a home with strangers. I don't even know what they like. I've been locked in here so long I don't understand how they could love me.

"You?" He asked

"Yeah I've got a boy and a girl. Tyler is 6 and Samantha is 10. I don't even know where they are right now. What kind of father does that make me?" He pat my back and sighed.

"No you can't say that. You love them right? And your doing this for them right? Your not perfect but I can tell your a good guy. I promise your gonna see your kids soon."

"Thank you Ban."

Dianes POV
"Love Harlequin..." I said as I just finished reading a letter from King. A tear ran down my cheek. I'm so glad he's okay. All I was thinking about each night was if he was alright. Now I feel so much relief but I also feel something else.

He loves me? Why haven't I even payed attention to that. He was always so sweet and kind to me. He was always there for me and now being away from him I realize how much I miss him and how much I love him. I'll be there soon King and I promise when I get back I'll give you the biggest kiss.

I love the captain to but when I think about it I never loved him in that way. I loved him as one of my closest friends. Sure he's probably one of the sexiest men I've seen but I really only wanted to get into his pants. Shit...I gotta get out of here but first I need to find Merlin.

Elaines POV
I was on the phone with the prison that held my love. I was scheduling a visit time to see him this week. I really really missed him and wanted to tell him how everyone is. Once I got off the phone I wrote down the date and time then looked over at Grimamore.

"I need to go to the store." I grabbed my purse and looked to Harlequin who was laying on the living room floor watching some weird alien movie and eating pretzels.

"Harlequin I'm leaving to the store do you need anything?"

"Can you get some sour cream and onion chips." I rolled my eyes. That all he ever eats.

"Yup." I left with Grimamore to the store and felt a little embarrassed realizing he was gonna witness me buy a pregnancy test. This was weird to me having him always there. I was gonna call Meliodas and see if he thinks it's safe enough to have him leave. Not that I don't like him he's been a friend that I've known for years but it's just a little uncomfortable.

Thinking about Meliodas again I realized that we haven't told him about Zeldris shooting my brother...I don't want to tell him and I know Harlequin isn't going to either. Shit there is so much on my plate right now I can't even think straight. When I got back home I put the groceries on the table and went straight to the bathroom. I told my brother he had to put the groceries away since he was so fucking lazy.

Once I finished the test I was really nervous thinking about the results. Part of me wanted it to be positive but the other half wanted it to be negative. After a few minutes my heart dropped. It's positive.


"Hey Elaine have you talked to the captain today?" I heard on the other side of the door. I jumped and threw away the test.

"Can you give me a second please I'll be right out!" I quickly washed my hands and walked out to see him standing there. He was as lazy as ever. He was standing in nothing but his boxers with bed hair. If I didn't know him I would think he just had sex but this is just his lazy everyday look.

"No I haven't talked to him. Your going to tell him about Zeldris not me. Have you sorted your shit out with Helbrum?" I crossed my arms.

"No..." he looked down. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Listen to me. Shit is only gonna get crazier and I mean like crazy! The commandments are out there and they aren't stupid. The obviously have eyes on Meliodas and knowing that his crew is in jail who knows what they are planning against him. I'm going to visit Ban in 3 days. Your coming with me."

"Okay okay Elaine. I understand." He said scratching his head and walking off. Then I remembered again that I was pregnant and the only thing I could think of was fuck.

Arthur POV
I was playing video games with all the boys until Helbrum started talking shit. I wasn't sure what he was talking about. I just looked at Gil and Howzer wondering what was going on.

"Fuck Diane. She's ruined everything for me." Howzer looked a little mad and stood up.

"What's your problem?" He said. We all knew Howzer was in love with Diane but he never said anything because of King. He would never cock block King because King was way to close to us. But if anyone was to disrespect Diane it was over.

"If it wasn't for that bitch I would have Harlequin in my arms right now. Glad she's in jail." My eyes went wide and I looked around the room to see Gil looking shocked as well. Howzer got up in Helbrums face anger obviously in his eyes. Suddenly he grabbed Helbrums shirt collar and slammed him against the wall. I stood up instantly.

"Woah woah guys we all just need to chill." I said

"Stay out of this Arthur." Howzer said but continued to stare bullets into Helbrum.

"You listen here asshole. Don't you ever fucking talking about Diane like that again. I don't care who you are. I'll fucking beat the shit out of you. So watch your mouth. Also Diane has nothing to do with your problems." Howzer dropped him and walked away to the kitchen. Gil went right to Helbrums aid to make sure he was okay.

I really hope this doesn't break up our group. We still have a mission here. Even though we are kinda on pause. But if we destroy each other and the commandments come we are gonna be in some big trouble. I need to call Meliodas.

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