20: Putting the plan in test

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Elizabeth POV
The boys were getting their weapons and gear ready to head out while me and Elaine were in the kitchen discussing things. She was putting some snacks in a lunch box to bring over to Sir King. What a great sister. I haven't even trying to talk to my sisters since I moved here. What kind of sibling am I? I just left that behind with father.

"So you and Meliodas made up I see." She said looking over at me with a smirk. I blushed slightly and moved my hair behind me ear.

"Well I'm not happy about all the violence but something is telling me to stay by his side. Even though we don't know each other on a personal level yet he's been there for me more than any other man."

"That's so sweet. He really likes you ya know. I've known Meliodas for some time now and he's never been head over heals for a girl until he met you."

No way, there are plenty of other girls way better than me out there. I don't believe he didn't love at least one other woman. I blushed but couldn't help but smile and get excited. He really likes me that much!

"Hey ladies ready to go?" Said this new guy I just met. Helbrum I think is his name. He seemed really nice and was a little crazy looking. He must come from the city. He had green hair and had some really strange colored eyes.

"Yup all set to go." Elaine said and we were off to the hospital to visit Sir King.

Ban's POV
"Slader Huh? Well then I'm Ban. So tell me about this place." I said then sat down on floor. There was nothing else to do so I guess I'll try and make nice with my jail mate.

"Well it's not as bad as you might think as long as you do what your told. I'd say try not to ask other guys why they're in here. I did that once and ended up getting beat up. You can ask me though."

"Okay well why are you in here?" I put my chin in my hand.

"Possession of illegal drugs and weapons. I also got charged with manslaughter. Drunk driving don't do it."

Wow that sucks. Everyone I've ever killed was because I wanted to haha.

"You?" He said leaning back against the wall.

"Um I've done a lot of bad things. I've killed, stollen, had illegal shit. I'm in a gang."

He looked pretty intrigued wanting me to continue but I didn't feel like it. I needed to figure out shit about this place so I can pass on the info to the Captain. I can make calls and I can have visitors. I'm gonna assume Elaine is going to come and see me sometime so I can pass on the info to her. But first I need to figure out this building.

"Hey you know anything about where they keep the female inmates?"

"Yeah they're not in the same building as us. It would be way to dangerous so they are in the next building over. You can actually see them when the guards let us outside."

Ah shit. Now I'm really gonna have a hard time finding Diane and Merlin. I thought hard for a second and had an idea. It was a little risky since I didn't really know this guy.

"Listen Slader, how much do you know about this place?"

"A lot I've been here for a while so. Plus I've tried to escape a bunch of times."

"If you help me find out where my friends are I'll let you come with me when I bust out of here." I said quietly.

"You mean your already planning an escape?" I nodded and smirked.

"Alright I'm in."

3rd person POV
The men back at Elaines house were getting ready to leave for their side of the mission. Gil and Howzer had a pistol on them hidden. Meliodas was sitting back in a chair about to light his bowl up.

"It's been a really long time since I've seen all you guys together like this." Meliodas spoke then took a hard hit of his weed.

"Yeah it almost feels like junior year again." Said Arthur leaning back on the couch. The guys laughed together happily.

"As much as I'd like to catch up with you guys we need to stay on task. Once this is all over and dealt with we can talk about everything since high school." Meliodas said blowing out a puff of smoke.

"Okay we are going out be back later." Gil and Howzer left. Griamore sighed and looked over at Meliodas wondering what to do now.

"What should we do? The girls are gone."

"Well we can all get naked and have a jerk circle." Arthur's eyes went wide and he blushed.

"No I don't want to do that." Arthur was way to innocent to try something like that. Meliodas laughed hard. His chest rumbling up and down as he giggled.

"I was only joking." Griamore sighed

"Okay well I guess I'll take a nap while I wait for the girls to come home." The 6'5ft man laid on the floor.

Back at the hospital King was awake and actually starting to walk a little again. He was really excited to see his friends come and visit. Especially excited to see his ex boyfriend Helbrum.

"I can't believe you came to see me!" King said crying as he hugged Helbrum. His hug was pretty weak.

"I'm sorry I've been so distant for all these years. Times like these I would do anything to help you." King smiled and looked over at Elizabeth and Elaine.

"Elaine you even brought my favorite snacks!" He was cheerful and had the cutest smile. Elizabeth couldn't help but giggle at how adorable King was. He always knew how to light up a room. The  man started chowing down on his snacks immediately.

"Listen Harlequin I know you don't want to talk about it but we need some info on what happened the night you got shot." Elaine said calmly trying not to overwhelm her brother. King stopped eating and he looked over at everyone in the room.

"I'm scared to tell you. I don't want any of you to get hurt." He said laying back down on his bed. Elizabeth came close to him and took his hand.

"I know your scared but we need to stay strong if we don't figure this out we can't have justice for you or the rest of the sins. Please Sir King."

"Zeldris shot me." Helbrum and Elaines eyes went wide. They looked at each other a little scared.

"Oh no."

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