1- Audition

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Naeun's POV

Today is the day to audition for Kirin Art School. I will dance. "Naeun! Wake up! It's already 7 o'clock! You said that your audition is at 8, so wake up!" Said my Unnie, Hyomin.

"5 more minutes." I said pulling my blanket to cover my face. "Eomma! Naeun doesn't want to wake up!" I heard Hyomin Unnie shouted.

"Naeun! Wake up this instant!" I heard my mom climbing the stairs. I didn't do anything. SPLASH! My Eomma bathed some water all over me.

"Eomma!" I shouted. "Aigoo this stubborn girl! Be a little mature! You're 17 this year girl!" Said my mom.

I stomped my way to the bathroom and lazily brushed my teeth. I took a 5 minute bath and wore some nice clothes.

I opened the door to go out. "Where are you going?" My Eomma asked. "I'm going to the sewer." I said. "Eat some breakfast! You'll have no energy to audition if you don't!" Said my mom.

I took a piece of bread and ran away with it. I hate to eat breakfast with my family. They'll ask about my personal life.

"Naeun-ah!" I heard Chorong Unnie shouted. "Oh! Hi!!!" I said waving my hand. "Let's go inside. It's really cold outside!" Said Chorong Unnie.

We went inside and saw Myungsoo. A guy who bothers me all the time. I hate him."Oh! Hye kid!" He said waving his hand.

I growled. "Oh! No need to be scary. I come in peace." He said annoyingly. "Wanna die?" I said to him.

"Hey! Use honorifics! I'm still older than you!" He said. I was about to hit him. "Get your hands off Myungsoo Oppa!" Shouted a girl.

I raised my eyebrows when I saw placards in their hands. "I Love Myungsoo Oppa?" I asked.

"Oh, please stop following me for god's sake!" Said Myungsoo. "Arasso Oppa. But if she bothers you again, call us." Said the annoying girl.

"I won't bother cuz she's my girlfriend." He said pulling me by his side. "What?!" Exclaimed the girl.

"No 77!" I heard my audition number being called. I ran quickly. "Annyeonghaseyo. Son Naeun ibnida. I'm 17 years old and my talent is dancing." I said bowing.

"Show us your moves." Said one of the judges. I danced to BEAST's Shock. When I finished, I heard a clapping sound from the door.

I turned and saw Myungsoo standing while smirking. "Good job!" He said raising one of his eyebrows.

I signaled him to go but he just stayed there. "Okay. You pass." Said one of the judges.

"Uncle! Can I arrange this year's class?" Asked Myungsoo suddenly. Wait what? Uncle? Oh my god! That judge is his uncle!

"Okay. You may." Said his uncle. I went out looking mad at him. "So, how was it?" Asked Chorong Unnie.

"I passed!" I said happily. Myungsoo stood beside me. "You have a problem?" I asked him.

"Hey! I saved you, twice! First, I told my fangirls that you were my girlfriend. Second, I gave a signal to my uncle to let you in this school." Said Myungsoo.

"So I'm just gonna leave you two.." said Chorong Unnie backing off. Unfortunately, she backed off a bit too much so she fell down the stairs.

"Ouch!" She exclaimed as she gets up. "Unnie! Gwenchana?" I asked her. "Yeah. But I can't walk. How can I audition like this?" Said Chorong Unnie.

"Relax Noona! You still have me right?" Said Myungsoo. "Forget it." I said. "Oh, thank you Myungsoo. I appreciate it." Said Chorong Unnie.

The next day, I dressed up and wore my uniform. "Woah! Naeun you're so cool!" Said Hyomin Unnie. "I'm always cool." I said sounding cool.

"You're such a baby." Said my dad. "Dad! Fine. I'm not going to your company. I'll go to another company!" I said.

"What other company will except you?" My father asked. I stomped my way out without answering.

"Hey! You alright?" Asked Chorong Unnie. "I'm not!" I shouted. "What happened?" Asked Chorong Unnie.

"My father said that I was a baby." I said sulking. "Well, you are." Said Myungsoo suddenly.

"Yah! You come here!" I shouted and started chasing him. I ran a little bit and stopped.

What's wrong with me? I usually run very fast! But today, I'm out of breath!

"Can't chase me anymore?" I heard Myungsoo's voice. I tried to stand up but I can't.

To be continued

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