Part 23- Warning

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Naeun's POV

I closed my eyes. I was ready to die. There was a gunshot, but I'm still alive. My shoulder hurts though.

I opened my eyes. "That was a warning." Said HyunA Unnie. "Naeun-ah, bear it for a few more days. Unnie will be there for you." Said Hyomin Unnie.

"Times up!" Said HyunA Unnie and ended the call. "Unnie.. You call yourself a human? You're worst than a dog!" I said. She looked shocked.

She pressed the wound on my shoulder. I grunted. "But, I'm still powerful than you." She smirked and left.

Chorong's POV

Hyomin Unnie almost fainted when HyunA pulled the trigger. She was lucky enough I catched her on time.

"I successfully traced the call. It was at.. Kirin Art School?" Said Sungkyu Oppa.

"So.. What's the plan?" Asked Sungyeol. "Aigoo! Let's just call the police." Said Woohyun.

"Are you crazy? That place has tons of CCTV's. If she saw the police, she'll definitely shoot Naeun." Said Hoya.

"Okay, the revolver probably has 4-6 bullets, she shot Yookyung. Which only leaves her with 5. Let's make her waste her bullets. I doubt she prepared more bullets." Said Sungkyu Oppa.

"Should we go now?" I asked. "No. Wait until about.. Tomorrow." Said Sungkyu Oppa.

Sohyun's POV

I can't take it anymore. Seeing Naeun being beaten up. Same goes to Myungsoo Oppa. I accidently hit his head to the wall.

I decided to call the police. 9-1-1. "Annyeonghaseyo. May I help you?" Said the officer.

"I'd like to report-" I was cut off when HyunA Unnie choked me. "Unnie.."  I said choking.

She let me go. "If you do that once more, I'll choke you to death." She said and confiscated my phone.

I took the first aid kit and went to Naeun. "I'm sorry." I said and started wrapping her wound.

She was bleeding too much. I was an intern at MyungWoo hospital. HyunA Unnie was my sunbae. But, I didn't continue to be an Intern. I debuted as 4Minute instead.

"Naeun-ah, this'll hurt a bit. I'll stitch your wound." I said. "Okay.." She said.

Her face was too pale. There was a pool of blood below the chair she was sitting.

"Done." I said cutting the thread. She was breathing heavily. "But.. Who are you?" She finally said. I was expecting that.

"I'm just a person who kidnapped you." I said and went away.

Myungsoo's POV

I saw Sohyun stitching Naeun. Well, atleast she still has the human side in her.

I was seated at the corner. I wasn't tied to a chair. I don't even have enough strenght to get up. I guess that's why HyunA didn't tie me up.

"Naeun-ah, you okay?" I asked her. There was no response. Don't tell me.. Don't tell me!

To be continued

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