Part 11- Are you okay?

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Yookyung's POV

And the caller is Myungsoo Oppa. "Why is he calling you? Are you guys that close?" Asked Naeun.

"I.. Umm.. Were neighbours with Eunji Unnie & Myungsoo Oppa in Busan!" I blurted out.

"Is that true?" Naeun asked Eunji Unnie. "Oh? Umm... Yeah." Eunji Unnie answered.

I picked up the call. "What?" I said. "Don't go back home! You and Naeun are in danger!" Myungsoo Oppa shouted and panted.

"Oppa? Are you okay?" I asked. He hung up before answering me. "What is it Yookyungie?" Asked Chorong Unnie.

"Myungsoo Oppa said that we can't go home. Me and Naeun are in danger." I answered.

"He's probably trying to get me." Said Naeun. "But he sounded serious-" "Oh just listen to me!" Naeun exploded.

"I'm sorry......" I said. She suddenly hugged me. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you like that." Said Naeun.

I looked at the others. They all made the same one eyebrow up face. "What?" I mouthed. "No romance." Mouthed Hayoung.

Naeun let go of me. "I know you're not in a good mood these days. I understand." I said smiling.

The Unnies and dongsaengs glared at me. I sighed heavily. "What's wrong?" Naeun asked.

"Unnies and Dongsaengs! Please stop stressing me out!" I exploded. "What?" Said Namjoo acting clueless.

We arrived home. I opened the door and got a call from Myungsoo Oppa again. "Don't move! If you pass the string, it'll explode!" He said and hung up.

I looked down and saw a string at my leg. "Guys... I think we need to call the bomb diffuser." I said looking back.

"And..... Done!" Said the bomb diffuser. I was sweating like mad. My face was paler than usual.

"Yah, gwenchana?" Naeun catched my weak body. I blacked out.

Naeun's POV

Yookyung suddenly blacked out on me. "Yookyung-ah! Yookyung-ah!" I shook her body. She didn't move.

Chorong Unnie helped me carry her inside. We lay her down on her bed.

Yookyung's POV

I woke up all of a sudden. I looked at my watch and it was 12 at midnight. Gosh! I've blacked out for over 12 hours!

I felt a little hungry so I went out of my room. I thought everybody was asleep but I saw everybody watching tv.

"Oh, Yookyung! Are you feeling nauseous?" Asked Naeun. "No. I'm fine." I said.

"Now that I think about it... How the heck did Myungsoo know that there's a bomb in our house?" Said Chorong Unnie.

"Hmm.. Is it possible that he put it there?" Said Hayoung. "Eeiii~ No way! Myungsoo Oppa isn't that kind of guy." I said.

"What if he likes Nae-" Namjoo shut Hayoung's mouth. "It's nothing! Really." Said Namjoo.

"Oh well." Said Naeun. Namjoo scolded Hayoung who almost gave my secret away. Now that I think about it, what if Myungsoo Oppa likes Naeun?

We didn't sleep that night. We just watched movies. "Tomorrow, we'll be going to the company." Said Rong Leader.

"Wae? We don't have any schedule tomorrow." Said Bomi Unnie. "If Myungsoo really is the person who did this, I will never let him go." Said Chorong Unnie.

Myungsoo's POV

I regained consciousness. Where am I? Oh, right. I was chased because I overheard their conversation about killing Naeun and Yookyung.

This is the price that I have to pay for snooping around. I don't mind as long as those two are safe.

"Well well. Look who's here." Said one of the men that chased me. "Let me go!" I said.

"Don't worry. I'll let you go once my boss tells me to. For now, I'll just have to teach you a lesson." He said and started crunching his fingers.

PUKK! He punched me. "Help! Help!" I screamed. "It's no use. Nobody will help you." He said laughing. PUKK!

I was punched again. This time, I feel the corner of my mouth bleeding. He kept punching me.

Chorong's POV

The next morning, we got ready. The bell rang. "Nuguseyo?" I said. I opened the door and saw Hyomin Unnie from T-Ara, she's also Naeun's sister.

"Oh, Unnie! What brings you here?" I asked. "I heard that Yookyung rejoined the group. I came to visit everybody. Here, some Ttukbbukki." Said Hyomin Unnie and handed me the Ttukbbukki.

"Naeun!" She shouted. "Mwo?" Said Naeun coldly. They haven't been on good terms since Hyomin Unnie changed her last name from 'Son' to 'Park'.

"Give your Unnie a hug!" Said Hyomin Unnie and hugged Naeun. "Stop it Sunyeong Unnie!" Naeun yelled using her real name.

"Oh, Annyeonghaseyo." Said Yookyung politely. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Ne. I'm fine, thank you." Said Yookyung smiling.

To be continued
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