Part 27- Ending~

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Naeun's POV

"What about Myungsoo Oppa?" I asked. Both Hyo Unnie and Eunji Unnie shook their head.

I cried. "Naeun-ah... Why are you crying?" Asked Eunji Unnie.

"How can I live with his heart? How could I possibly live? I'm feeling guilty!" I shouted.

"Miss me?" Said a voice who sounds like Myungsoo Oppa's.

"Now.. I'm even halluscinating!" I cried.

"Yah, mad girl! I'm not dead. I'm alive." I looked at the door and saw him smirking.

I got up and ran to him. I hugged him. "You're alive!" I said.

"I didn't think you'd fall for that." He said. I looked up.

"Fall for what?" I asked. "They didn't tell you yet? We planned to do a hidden camera for you." Said Myungsoo Oppa.

"Here it comes. Here it comes." Said Hyo Unnie. I kicked Myungsoo Oppa's leg.

"Ack!" He exclaimed jumping on ine feet. "What hidden camera? Huh!" I sulked.

"Actually, he was sincere about giving you his heart. But at the last minute, there was a heart available." Said Hyo Unnie.

"But still! How coyld you guys do this to me?" I said.

"It's for Apink News Season 4!" Said Hayoung coming in.

"Ehh?" I said. "You heard her. Season 4!" Said Chorong Unnie.

At that time, I remembered something. "I remembered something." I said.

"What? Is it a secret? Ppalli!" Said Bomi Unnie.

"Nope. It was my first meeting with........ H.. HyunA Unnie." I said.

"You don't need to remember that. It's not important." Said Myungsoo Oppa.

2 years passed. I may have not remembered everything, but now I am a world star.

I am married to Myungsoo Oppa. We have a child named Kim Joonhee. I am currently living in the USA.

The other members are too. We usually ditch our husbands and go shopping with their credit cards.

Eunji Unnie is married to Seo Inguk Oppa. Bomi Unnie is married to Woohyun Oppa.

Chorong Unnie is married to Sungyeol Oppa. Honestly, I don't know how they ended up together.

Namjoo is married to Hoya Oppa. They have a son named Lee Yonghyuk. Hayoungie is married to Sungkyu Oppa.

Although the age gap is super duper big, they don't mind.

HyunA's POV

Eventhough I'm currently at the mental hospital, I'll seek for revenge. I'll keep it as a promise! Muahahahahahaha!

The End

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