Part 5- What?

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HyunA's POV

I pulled Naeun into the car and I drove to my house. "We're here~" I said joyfully. Naeun awkwardly unfastened her seatbelt and went out of the car.

"What's with the awkward face?" I asked putting my hand over her shoulder. "Aniyo Unnie..." She said awkwardly again.

We went inside. "I'm home~" I shouted. "Oh, Miss Hyuna. Welcome home." Said my secretary and bowed.

"Where's Myungsoo?" I asked him. " Mr. Myungsoo is in his room, miss." Said my secretary again. I went up to his room.

"Myungsoo-yah! Dinner time!" I shouted as I knock his room. "Oh." He said as he opened his door.

"You two wait here. I'm gonna take a bath for a moment." I said and left those two together.

Myungsoo's POV

Why did HyunA leave us together? It's really awkward here... "L.. let's go down." I said to her. "Oh? Oh..." She said and went downstairs.

"Oh, you started eating already?" Asked HyunA. "Ani." I answered. After we finished eating, HyunA asked me to send Naeun home. It was super awkward....

"Thank you for sending me home." She said. "It's nothing..." I said. "Okay.. Bye." She said and opened the door to her house.

"Wait!" I stopped her. "Eung?" She asked. "About this morning.... Was it real?" I suddenly blurted out.

There was a short silence. "Yah! Are you crazy?! I only did that because you were holding my hand, babo-yah!" She said as she hit my head.

"O.. Of course! Why would you kiss me?" I said laughing awkwardly. "Okay. I'm going in now." She said and shut her house door. More spescific, slammed the door.

I went back home. "I'm home." I said lazily. Suddenly, HyunA held my hand tightly. I let go of it quickly. "What and why are you doing this?" I said and went up.

She suddenly back hugged me. "Because I love you." She said. "Yeah. As a cousin." I said and let go of her hand. "No. As a man." She added.

I looked back in surprise. "Yah, Kim HyunA. We're cousins. Are you out of your mind?" I said.

"It doesn't mean that we can't love each other." Said HyunA in a hurtful tone. "I'm sorry, but I don't like you." I said and went upstairs.

"I will make you mine someday Kim Myungsoo!" I heard her shouting. I have a lot in my mind. I lay down.

Text Naeun? Yeah, that's a good idea. I started texting her saying Naeun-ah, I'm bored these days. Can you come to my house tomorrow morning? Just come in. I'll tell the secretary that I invited you. Just come in my room, ok?

Sent! I got her reply seconds after. It's like she's been waiting for me to text her. Okay, Call! See you tomorrow!

I'm kinda happy when she said that. Hihihihi. I went to sleep with happy thoughts running in my head.

The next morning, I was awoken by the sound of a person gasping and things falling. It's Naeun!

To be continued

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