Part 26- Heart Transplant

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Naeun's POV

After a few days, Dr. Park finally made his choice.

"The pain killer won't last long. This won't work. We have to do the surgery." Said Dr. Park.

"Hoon-ah, is there no other way?" Said Dr. Han Seung Hee. "Eobseo. This is the only way to keep Naeun-sshi alive." Said Dr. Park.

"Arasso. Then, I'll take a look at the list of available hearts." Said Dr. Han Seung Hee and left.

"Naeun-ah..." Said Hyo Unnie holding my head. "Did I remember anything for the last few days?" I asked.

"5 days passed and you didn't remember a single thing." Said Namjoo for the fourth time and appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh Kkamjjakiya! Kim Namjoo! I can really get a heart attack if you keep doing this!" I screamed.

"Hehe.. Mian Unnie. It's now officially my habit." Said Namjoo.

Our CEO came. "So, you're telling me that you'll have a heart transplant in a few days?" He said.

"Umm.." I answered. "Don't you know that we have the world tour in 5 days?" He asked looking mad.

"Ahjusshi! My sister is sick and you're blaming her? Why don't you change it to 4Minute? Ah.. Right. 4Minute can't work if they don't have their visual. Right?" Said Hyo Unnie.

Wow. That was the first time I saw her like that. "M..Mwo? Ahjushhi?! Just because you're from another company doesn't mean I have to stay still!" He shouted and left the room.

Dr. Park & Dr. Han came in. "Naeun-Sshi.. I have bad news." Said Dr. Park.

"What is it?" I asked. "There are no available hearts." Said Dr. Han.

Myungsoo Oppa suddenly opened the door. "She can have my heart." He said.

"Mwo? I can't take your heart!" I said. "Doc, just take it. I'm willing to." Said Myungsoo Oppa.

"Okay. In 2 days, we'll start the surgery." Said Dr. Park.

"Yah! Are you crazy? How can I take your heart?" I shouted and my eyes were teary.

"I don't care what happens to me. If anything happens to you, I can't forgive myself." He said and closed the door.

Myungsoo's POV

I closed the door and cried outside. Everybody who was passing by looked at me. Am I an alien?

Can't an Idol cry? I didn't care and just cried. Time passed. It was already 4 PM. I have exactly 48 hours to live.

Eunji's POV

At last. The day is here. The day where Naeun gets her heart transplant.

"Naeun-ah, fighting!" I said before she was pushed into the surgery room.

We all waited outside. Well, exactly I was the only one waiting. Everybody else was busy crying.

After about 2 hours, Dr. Park came out. "Doc, how is her condition?" I asked.

Everybody stopped crying and surrounded Dr. Park.

"The surgery went well. She'll be discharged after 2 weeks or so. But, she'll normally have the side effects like heart attack or fainting." Said Dr. Park.

"Look, she's okay right?" I said. Everybody continued crying.

"Usually, you guys look pretty if you cry. But, you guys look ugly today." I said.

Then, they stopped crying. 5 seconds later, they cried again. Ugh.. Cry babies.

I left them and pulled Hyo Unnie into Naeun's ward. There she is. Unconscious.

"Hyo Unnie, what do you think Naeun will do if she finds out about the truth?" I said.

"I don't know.. But she'll probably kick us. Or something similar." Said Hyo Unnie.

The next morning, Naeun woke up. "Naeun-ah, are you awake?" Said Hyo Unnie.

Her eyes suddenly widened. "Myungsoo Oppa? What about him?" She asked.

To be continued

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