Part 12- Surprised

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Naeun's POV

"Unnie! Hyomin Unnie! How did you figure out my phone passcode?" I said.

"It's sooo obvious. Who puts 0000 as their passcode?" Said Hyomin Unnie. I quickly covered her mouth.

"Hmm.. Let's see.. Diary?" She muffled. She read 1 page and I took my phone away from her.

"Mwoya? Yookyung like-" I covered her mouth again. Yookyung was surprised.

Yookyung's POV

I heard Hyomin Unnie said 'Yookyung like'. Naeun knows that I like her? No. This can't be happening.

My phone rang and it broke the silence. It was Myungsoo Oppa. "Oh, Oppa. Wae?" I said.

He said nothing and hung up. "What did he say?" Said Chorong Unnie munching. "He didn't say anything and just hung up." I said.

"He probably doesn't want us to come because he's afraid." Said Namjoo.

We went to our company. Hyomin Unnie decided to follow us. "Raise the volume!" She said cause T-Ara's Sugarfree was playing.

Soon,our van was ringing with T-Ara's Sugarfree. We arrived at our company.

"I'm glad that we are not hearing Sugarfree anymore." Said Naeun. "Yah! That's your Unnie's song!" Said Hyomin Unnie.

"We don't even have the same last name. How can we be siblings?" Said Naeun.

"Please stop fighting! We're here to find Myungsoo." Said Chorong Unnie calming them down.

I felt like somebody was following us. I turned around but there was nobody there.

"What's wrong, Yookyungie?" Said Naeun putting her hand around my shoulder.

I blushed. "Ani.. It's nothing." I said. "Let's find that kid and go back home." Said Hyomin Unnie.

We searched everywhere. "Any luck?" Said Hayoung. "Nope. We found nothing. Which only leaves us with INFINITE's practice room." Said Bomi Unnie.

We went up. "Kim Myungsoo! Come out!" Naeun shouted as soon as we enter.

"Myungsoo? He left yesterday. We haven't seen him since. We thought he was with you guys." Said Dongwoo Oppa.

"Ehh? He's not with us." I said. "Oh, Annyeonghaseyo." They all bowed when they saw Hyomin Unnie.

"Don't be so formal. She's my Unnie!" Said Naeun. "But.. You guys don't have the same last name." Said Woohyun Oppa.

Naeun sighed. "She changed it." She said. At that time, I got a call from Myungsoo Oppa.

"Sshh! Myungsoo Oppa called!" I half whispered and half yelled. It was a video call.

I answered. There I saw Myungsoo Oppa covered in blood. He's semi-conscious.

"Oppa? Oppa? Are you okay?" I asked. "Be.. Quiet.." He said panting. I heard some voices. He quickly hid his phone in his shirt.

I can see through his shirt. Two muscular men approached. "You're awake?" Said the tall man.

"Please... Let... Me...Go.." Oppa said. "We haven't recieved any orders from our boss. Sorry dude!" Said the short man and punched Myungsoo Oppa.

I wanted to scream but Eunji Unnie covered my mouth. "Kae, look for his phone." Said the tall guy to the short guy.

He searched everywhere and eventually found it. "Mwoya? Video call?" Said the short guy.

"It's Apink! Quickly end it!" Said the tall guy and ended the call. "Eotteokhae?" I said crying.

"We can trace his phone!" Said Sungyeol hyung. "Yeokshi! You're Jjang!" Said Chorong Unnie.

We traced his phone but unfortunately, it was turned off. Everybody sighed.

"Let's report it." I said. "But, do you remember Myungsoo saying that we are in danger?" Said Naeun.

To be continued

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