Part 15- Surgery

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Yookyung's POV

I tried to remember everything. "He or she was wearing a mask. Even the voice is deep." I said.

"That's really hard to track. Let's watch the CCTV." Said Chorong Unnie.

Oh, Naeun. I hope the surgery will go well. I won't forgive myself if anything happens to you.

If only I didn't have a fever. If only I was faster. If only I didn't love you. There was a lot of 'If Only's in my head.

I was walkimg around the hospital. I bumped into Dr. Park. "Dr. Park, will the surgery be ok?" I said.

"Don't worry. I will be having Quack here as my first assisstant." He said pulling the doctor beside him.

"Kamsahabnida." I bowed and went back to my room.

Naeun will be alright. She's fine. I'm sure she is. Tears started running down my cheeks.

"Unnie, don't cry~" Said Hayoung. "Aniya... I'm not crying. My eyes are sweating." I said.

The nerve wrecking day came. The day that Naeun undergo her surgery. She was still unconscious. They decided to do it anyways.

After about 3 hours, Dr. Park Hoon came out. "Doctor, is she okay?" I asked with red eyes.

"The surgery went well, but we can't assure you when Naeun-Sshi will wake up." Said Dr. Park.

"K.. Kamsahabnida." I said bowing. I hope she's okay. I visited her.

"Naeun-ah.. You'll wake up soon, right?" I said to her. Obviously there was no response.

Hyomin Unnie entered minutes later. "She's okay, right?" She said.

"The doctor doesn't know when she'll wake up." I said wiping my tears.

"Yookyung-ah... Why do you like Naeun?" I was shocked by the sudden question.

"How did you-" I remembered that Hyomin Unnie mentioned something about me when she was reading Naeun's diary. Does that mean Naeun knows too?

"Just tell me. I know everything, Yookyung." Said Hyomin Unnie holding my shoulder.

"She's nice, kind and beautiful. I like her because of that." I said.

Suddenly, I felt something holding my hand. I turned back and saw Naeun slowly opening her eyes.

Hyomin Unnie raced beside Naeun after seeing her waking up.

"Naeun-ah? Naeun-ah? Do you hear me? Who am I?" Said Hyomin Unnie.

Hyomin's POV

Naeun said something but I can't hear it well. She was kinda whispering.

"The Unnie who changed her surname from 'Son' to 'Park'." She muttered.

"You're back!" Said Yookyung and hugged Naeun. "Heyy, I'm still here!" I said.

"Oh, Mian." Said Yookyung and let go of Naeun. Yookyung called the doctor and gave her some medicine.

"Hyomin-Sshi? Naeun will be discharged after a week." Said Dr. Park.

"Ne. Thank you." I said. Soon, reporters came in the hospital swarming me.

"Has Son Naeun wake up? Why was she hospitalized? Is it true that the culprit was someone who has grudge?" The reporters asked ton's of questions.

I wore my sunglasses and ignored them. I entered Naeun's ward and saw her reading with Yookyung. Bookworms.

Then, I saw a familiar figure walking outside. I caught hold of him. He turned in surprise.

"Hyomin Noona?" I was right! It is Myungsoo!

"Yah, what are you doing here?" I said. "I was hospitalized, Duhh~" He said.

"I heard from Yookyung that Naeun's revolver case had something to do with you." I said.

"Revolver case? Is Naeun here too?" He asked. "You didn't know?" I said.

He shook his head. He headed for Naeun's room since he saw her name outside.

"No No No. You cannot enter. The reason Naeun was hospitalized is partly your fault." I said pushing him.

"Noona! I sincerely love her!" He half yelled and half whispered. "Yeah, I heard that before." I said.


Naeun went up to her room, crying! What a shock! She never cried before.

"Naeun? Naeun? Open the door!" I knocked. "Unnie, leave me alone!" She yelled.

At the same time, our doorbell rang. "Nuguseyo?" I said opening the door.

"Annyeonghaseyo. I came to see Naeun." Said Myungsoo.

"Wait, are you the reason she's crying?" I said.

"She's crying? I didn't-" I stopped him. "Don't bother her. She's crying her eyes out right now." I said closing the door.

He stuck his hand in. "But, Noona! I sincerely love her!" He yelled. I closed the door anyways.

I got the key to Naeun's room and opened it. "Unnie, didn't I say leave me alone?" She said sobbing.

"I know Myungsoo did this to you. What exactly did he do?" I said comforting her.

She explained everything. "Don't worry. I won't let him bother you anymore." I said and closed her door.

End of flashback

To be continued

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