Part 20- Date

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Myungsoo's POV

We don't have any schedule today. So, I decided to go and meet Naeun. I bought Chorong Noona's favourite Chicken Feet incase she won't let me see Naeun. I'll bribe her. Hehehehe.

I pressed the bell. "Oh, wae?" Said Chorong Noona. "I wanna see Naeun." I said.

"Sorry, but you can't." I expected that. "I bought you chicken feet." I said handing over the chicken feet.

"Okay, you may enter." She said while bowing. I saw Naeun sitting on a couch and closing her eyes.

"Naeun-ah!" I surprised her. "Oh, Kkamjjakiya!" She springed up.

"What are you doing?" I asked her. "Oppa, Chorong Unnie made some research and I can remember 2 to 3 things a day." She said.

I hugged her. She pushed me away and said, "Yah Kim Myungsoo! What are you doing?!"

"Crap. You remembered me?" I said. "Ugh! You're so gross!!" She said wiping her clothes.

"One down two more to go." Said Namjoo appearing out of nowhere. "Oh Kkamjjakiya! Where do you keep coming out from?" Said Naeun.

"Whatever the case is, you gotta remember everything Unnie." Said Namjoo and went.

"Naeun-ah, let's go on a date." I said out of the blue. "Date? With you? I'd rather go with a monkey!" Said Naeun.

"I like you! So, please accept me!" I suddenly blurted out. "M... Mwo?" Said Naeun.

"Woooh! Accept him, Naeun-ah!" Said Eunji. "I didn't expect you to answer this fast. Take your time." I said.

"Ani. I'll answer now. I like you, too. But you married HyunA Unnie." Said Naeun.

"She's probably dead by now. I heard from Eunji that she fell from the rooftop and-" Eunji interrupted me. She closed my mouth.

"Oppa! Don't tell her about that now! The doctor said it's not good for her!" Eunji half yelled and half whispered.

"Mian." I said. "Wait.. You remember that HyunA married me?" I said.

"Two down one more to go." Said Namjoo appearing out of nowhere, again.

"Oh Kkamjjakiya! Stop it Kim Namjoo!" Screamed Naeun.

"Kaja!" I said pulling Naeun. "Myungsoo, is this okay? Won't there be any scandal out?" Asked Naeun.

"Gwenchana~" I said. We walked through a narrow alley. Suddenly, someone put a cloth on my mouth. I turned to my side and saw Naeun being drugged too! I soon started feeling nauseous and blacked out.

HyunA's POV

Surprise! I'm still alive! I don't have anybody so I decided to convince my members.

I went to Sohyun first cause she's the maknae. "Sohyun-ah, come here." I whispered.

"Nuguseyo?" She asked as she came closer. I opened my mask. "H.. HyunA Unnie! You're wanted all over the country!!" She shouted.

I closed her mouth. "Wanna help me kidnap Myungsoo & Naeun?" I said.

"K... Kidnap? I don't want to have problems, Unnie." Said Sohyun.

"You like Sungjong don't you? I'll make sure you can have him if you follow my orders." I said.

"I don't know... The other Unnie's will notice me missing." Said Sohyun.

"That's the reason I came to you. To convince the Unnie's." I said.

"Okay.. But promise me about Sungjong Oppa." Said Sohyun.

We proceeded with our plan. We followed Naeun & Myungsoo until they reached a narrow alley.

"Now." I said to Sohyun. We drugged them. "Mmmpphhh!" Naeun tried to call for help.

Myungsoo was already blacked out. Naeun was still struggling. But she was finally knocked out.

"Let's bring them to our van." I said as we pulled the two unconscious body into our black van. Naeun's favourite colour.

To be continued

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