Part 19- Familiar.

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Chorong's POV

I got question marks. Eunji said that Yookyung pushed HyunA off the building. But.. Why isn't she found anywhere?

"Eunji-ah, what happened to HyunA?" I asked her.

"HyunA Unnie? I don't know." She answered.

"If she's still out there, she can hurt Naeun!" Said Hyomin Unnie.

"This is really dangerous. We've gotta report it. Let's go. I'll drive." I said.

We arrived at the police station. "The killer who killed Yookyung is still out there." I said straight forward.

"Who is it? Can you give us the details?" Said the police man.

I told him HyunA's information. "Okay, Chorong-Sshi. I'll call you when we acquire any clues." Said the police man.

We went back into our van. "Hmm.. That police man looked very familiar." Said Hayoung.

"Yeah.. But I just can't put my finger on it." Said Namjoo.

"Not a man. A woman. Around 20 to 25 years old. Married. A one sided love. Probably a singer." Naeun said.

"What?" Said Eunji. "The police man earlier." Said Naeun.

"Aren't those HyunA's features?" I said.

"Now that you mention it.. You're right!" Said Namjoo.

Naeun suddenly fainted on Hyomin Unnie's shoulder. "Oh? Naeun-ah! Naeun-ah!" Said Hyomin Unnie.

There was no response. I held her hand. It was very hot. I then held her forehead. Maybe the temperature is 300°c!

"Let's bring her to the clinic." I suggested. What a coincidence. The clinic was just beside the police station. 

"I don't see anything unusual. If anything goes wrong in the future, just take her to do some X-Ray." Said the doctor.

We left the clinic. Naeun was still unconscious. When we reached home, Hyomin Unnie, me & Eunji put her on her bed.

She jumped in surprise. "A lie saying that you love me. A lie saying that you miss me. Your lie saying that you'll come back. Everything was a lie." She sang while dancing.

"Yah! That was my debut song!"  said Hyomin Unnie.

Naeun's POV

"Unnie.. I don't know why but things kept popping into my head. Yookyung.. Did she like me? A scene at our kitchen popped into my head. Where I back hugged her." I said.

"Ah, right! There was a scene! Where her face was as red as tomato. Am I wrong?" Said Hayoung coming in.

"No. You're completely right. But, I can't remember anything after that." I said with honesty.

"Yes.. She liked you so much. So much that she sacrificed-" Bomi Unnie stopped Eunji Unnie by closing her mouth.

"Sacrificed?" I asked. "Sorry, Naeun. But it's too early to be talking about your bitter past." Said Chorong Unnie.

Hyomin Unnie handed me my phone. "Here, do you remember your passcode?" She asked.

"Let's see..." I closed my eyes. "0000." I whispered.

"Okay, then. I'll leave her under your care, Chorong." Said Hyomin Unnie and waved goodbye.

About an hour or two passed by. "Naeun-ah, look at this. I made a research on your condition. It says that you can remember 2 to 3 things a day." Said Chorong Unnie showing me her handphone.

"How many did I remember today?" I said counting with my fingers. "3. Exactly 3." Said Namjoo coming out of nowhere.

"3?" I said. "Duhh. Hyomin Unnie's debut song, about Yookyung Unnie and your passcode." Said Namjoo.

"Oh, right." I said. "You've got to remember okay?" Said Chorong Unnie. "I'll work hard." I said.

To be continued

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