Part 3- CUBE Entertainment

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Naeun's POV

The next day, I woke up and saw Chorong Unnie tying her hair. "Oh? You're awake?" She asked. "Oh..." I said.

"What were you talking about in your sleep? Something about Myungsoo? Kissing your cheeks?" Unnie asked giggling.

"Eh?! I said that in my sleep? Unnie, promise me you won't tell anybody." I said begging. "So.. That's true?" Unnie asked still giggling. I nodded in embarrasement.

Unnie bursted into laughter. "Unnie? Can't you be a bit more quiet?" Asked Eunji Unnie in her Busan dialect. "Oh.. Mianhae Eunji-ah~" she said full of aegyo. Eunji Unnie is Chorong Unnie's cousin.

Since today is Saturday, we decided to go shopping. Eunji Unnie went with us since she's boring. "Yo mad girl!" I heard Myungsoo's voice.

"Great. Now I'm halluscinating." I said out loud. Eunji who didn't understand stood there raising her eyebrows meanwhile Chorong Unnie bursted into laughter while hitting the wall.

"Yo mad girl! Didn't hear me?" Said Myungsoo holding my shoulder. "Omo! It's really you! I thought I was halluscinating!" I shouted.

"Noona. Are you alright?" He asked Chorong Unnie who was laughing hard. "Myungsoo Oppa?" Asked Eunji Unnie. "Jung Eunji?" Asked Myungsoo.

"Yah! It's good to see you here in Seoul!" Said Eunji Unnie holding Myungsoo's head between her hands. "You still have that Busan dialect?" Asked Myungsoo.

"You guys know each other?" I asked. "Yeah! He's my neighbour back in Busan." Said Eunji Unnie. Suddenly, Chorong Unnie came to me. Her face was really red after laughing so hard.

"Unnie, I think we'll have to go back. Look at Chorong Unnie's face. It's chilli red!" I exclaimed. "Yeah. Let's go back." Said Eunji Unnie.

When we arrived at Chorong Unnie's house, Dr. Kim called me. "Ne. Waeyo?" I asked her. "Tell me the truth. Are you reallly interested in Myungsoo? You're even on a date!" Said Dr. Kim

I shook my head. "Okay then." She said. "Yah, I'm going. Bye." Said Myungsoo wearing his shoes. "Like I care." I said arrogantly.

Two days after, we went to school together. "Wait for me!" Shouted Myungsoo. Both Chorong Unnie and I ignored him.

"Son Naeun!Please come to the principals office right now!" Said the speaker. I went to the principal's office full of worries.

I opened the door. "Yes, sir? Did you want to see me?" I asked. "Yes. Please sit down." Said the principal. "CUBE Entertainment saw your audition video and they are very interested in you. They gave you this." Said the principal and gave me a letter.

I read it and it says that I'm accepted as a trainee! "And this is for your friends Park Chorong & Jung Eunji." He added and gave me another two letters.

I came out of the room looking super happy! "So?" Asked Eunji Unnie. "We're now officially CUBE Entertainment's trainees!" I shouted.

"What?! You've gotta be kidding me!" Shouted Chorong Unnie. "Yah! Quiet!" Shouted a person from below. We giggled silently.

Myungsoo's POV

"Myungsoo-yah! Come on! We've got to go now!" Shouted Woohyun Hyung. "Oh! Arasso Hyung!" I shouted back.

We are the going- to- debut- soon- group called INFINITE. Our company is CUBE Entertainment. "What is our debut song again?" Asked Sungyeol Hyung.

"Aigoo, babo yah! It's come back again!" Shouted Woohyun hyung as he hit Sungyeol hyung's head. "We're here!" Shouted our manager hyung.

"Eung? Isn't that Son Naeun?" Asked Sungjong. I blinked my eyes in disbelieve. It's really her! "Nae-" I cut Sungjong off before he could call Naeun.

"Hyung, wae?" He asked me. "Sshh! Just don't let her know that we work here!" I whispered. "She's gonna know sooner or later. Our debut is only about 5 months ahead!" Said Sungjong.

"Please?" I asked him with my aegyo face. "Arasso." He said. We went to our training room and started practising.

Naeun's POV

I was called to the CEO's office. "Sir. I heard that you want to see me?" I asked politely.

"I'll just go straight to the point. You guys are gonna debut next year. Your other team members are waiting in a special training room. Your group name is Apink." Said the CEO.

My head can't process all those words all at once! I rolled my eyes a bit and nodded. I bowed and left the room.

A bit after, I entered a room that's been labeled 'Apink'. "Annyeonghaseyo." I bowed politely.

"You must be Naeun! I'm Bomi. Me and Eunji are coeval. So I'm your Unnie. Nice to meet you." Said a girl offering to shake hands.

I bowed and shaked her hands. A quiet girl was reading a book next to the wall. I sat beside Chorong Unnie.

"Unnie, what's up with her?" I asked Chorong Unnie. "Her name is Yookyung and she's a bit quiet. She's a 94-liner too. Go and make friends with her. You guys will make good friends because you guys don't talk much." Said Chorong Unnie.

I sat beside Yookyung. She looked at me and bowed her neck a bit. Then she continued to read her book. "Annyeong. I'm Naeun. I'm a 94- liner." I said to her.

"Oh finally! Someone whose the same age with me! I'm Hong Yookyung. I'm a 94- liner too!" She said happily. I smiled.

"Okay girls! I'm your manager. Let's start by introducing yourself." Said the manager oppa.

To be continued

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