Moving on While Driving

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I should ask her.

With my hands firmly on the wheel, I glance over at Faith next to me in the car as we head back home.

It was bugging me the whole time that they were together. It's best to just ask and then I'll actually know one way or the other.

She doesn't even seem to notice as I keep glancing over in her direction.

They were punning back and forth like there was no tomorrow. Not to mention making eyes at each other.

Faith readjusts her position in the passenger seat and I can't help but watch her for a few seconds.

She does have nice eyes.

I go back to watching the road.

I can see why Pike would be interested in them. But it's way too complicated. He and I had a thing back at Hemry. The idea that they could have a thing together weirds me out. I don't know anything for sure though. Faith can be flirty with people she just met. I was on the receiving end of that when we met and I don't think I've ever been able to introduce her to anyone without her making some kind of sexual comment. She even went there with my mom and... well, my sister. Which is why it's so hard to tell whether Faith is into someone or not. She flirted with my sister when they first met years ago and up until 3 months ago they were in a year long relationship. Not to mention how she flirted with my other boyfriends, one of which she actually did sleep with. So I can't be certain what kind of flirting was going on.

And it's not like asking Pike is an option. He may be coming back to town with us to help us deal with this serial killing demon, but I don't want to open up a whole new can of worms by implying that I might be jealous of whatever might be going on between them. Faith and I may have a history too, but it's because of the history that involves my sister that she won't jump to the wrong conclusion about why I'm asking. It's not jealousy, it's curiosity. Curiosity and weirdness.

The car passes a hitchhiker on the road but I don't stop.

Of course, maybe I shouldn't even bother worrying about what might be going on between them. What with the looming serial killing demon out there somewhere. Seems like that is probably better for first position in my list of things to do/talk about. Particularly since whatever it is probably wants to kill me.

I look over at Faith again.

"Something on your mind B?"


"You just seem awfully interested in what I'm doing all of the sudden."

"It's... nothing."

"Good, cause I'd rather you keep your attention on the road so we don't swerve into a ditch or something."

"I'm paying attention, don't worry."

"I would hope so. You're the one with the habit of rising from the dead, not me, and I'm not exactly in the mood for picking up that particular habit of yours."

"I'll be sure to keep that one all to myself. Besides, if this demon serial killing thing has its way, I'll have plenty of opportunity to test out that one anyway."

"Well hopefully Pike can help keep that from happening."

There we go, the door is open.

"Let's hope."

Just bring it up already.

"So... what do you think of him?"


The F in Pike (Book 3.5) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now