Nostalgia Trip

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Author's Note: Like the other chapter from Sins of the Past, this is going to get very sexy.

There's nothing to feel weird about.

I stand in my kitchen, trying to figure out if I'm missing anything.

It's just two friends getting together to talk. She and I talk all the time, this won't really be any different.

My eyes scan the kitchen, in case something catches my eye that I forgot.

Except for the fact that it's a conversation between two friends who have slept together getting together to talk about how and why they slept together, it's a completely normal conversation. At least, I think it's a normal conversation. It's not the type of conversation that I've really ever had before, so there's that. But it happens all the time on TV from everything that I've seen. It probably doesn't happen on TV if it didn't happen to regular people.

Nothing really catches my eye and that makes the thought that I have forgotten something even worse. So I go back into the living room to look around at what I've already set up.

Of course, Faith and I are hardly normal people. Aside from the whole slayer thing, which is an entire issue in and of itself, our history hasn't exactly been the smoothest of roads. It's fair to say that it's actually been pretty rocky. Oh, wait...

Turning around and going back into the kitchen, I head right to the fridge and open the freezer, finding the rocky road ice cream.

I should probably... no, no, Faith's not really an ice cream person. I should leave it where it is unless she wants it.

I close the freezer door and go back into the living room to go over what I've already laid out.

I kind of wish that I could leave the conversation we're about to have where it is. This isn't something that I like to spend a lot of time thinking about, or talking about it. Which is why I never really brought it up before I saw her with Dawn. I guess seeing them together forced me to think about it, even if it was subconsciously after dealing with that whole situation so I didn't screw things up between them. And now I have to figure out a way to deal with it.

I sit down on the couch and look at what's on the table in front of me. There's a six pack of beer that's started to warm up since I took it out a few minutes ago, a bunch of chips and popcorn and other snacks.

I think this will work. It's not suggestive of anything other than two friends getting together to talk. After talking with Derrick yesterday, I wanted to make sure that I'm not being suggestive in any way. I don't want to accidentally give her the impression that it's something that it's not. I mean, I'm pretty sure that I was clear with her when I brought up the subject in the first place, but I don't want her to show up to candles or low lighting or wine and cheese or something. This isn't meant to be anything more than just a talk between friends about their history.

My head turns as I hear a knock at the door.

Here goes nothing I guess.

Getting up, I walk over to the door and stop before opening it.

Let's hope I don't screw it up.

After a few moments, I open it to see Faith standing on the other side.

Well, she definitely didn't assume it was a date.

"Hey B..."


She's wearing loose fitting clothes, a t-shirt and pants.

Compared to what she normally wears when she goes out slaying or clubbing, this would be conservative for her.

We stand in the doorway together, not sure what to do next.

"If you want, we can just talk out here. Although I'm not sure how your neighbors would feel about that."

Oh, uh...


I take a few steps back and let go of the door so that she can come in. After a couple seconds, she follows me inside. She closes the door behind her.

Might as well ask.

"How are you?"

She doesn't respond right away.

"Uh, good, I guess."

I make my way over to the couch and sit down.


"Yeah, why?"

As I sit down, I turn and see that she's followed me, taking off her coat in the process.

"Just checking... I mean, we've had some pretty heavy conversations recently. It'd be okay if you weren't doing good."

Again she doesn't say anything right away before finally sitting down.

"I'm as good as I can be. Is that better?"

"If it's the truth."

"As true as I'm comfortable with."

Maybe this was a bad idea.

"Look, Faith... I know that this was my idea and I made it a bigger deal then it should be. If you're not up for having this conversation, we don't have to."

Faith looks over what's set out on the table in front of the couch.

"But what about everything you did. I wouldn't want to put you out."

I look it over myself.

"Well, we can just hang out. No heavy conversations, no heart to heart or bringing up the past. We can do it another time."

She takes a couple minutes to think about it.

I guess I didn't put as much thought into where she was at with everything.

"No, it's cool B."

It's cool?

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah... we never really talked about it so maybe it's time. Let's just..."

She pauses for a moment.

"Let's not jump right into it."

"Easy does it. Got it."

We fall into a silence together.

Well this isn't awkward at all.

My eye catches the six pack and it's like a light goes off in my head. I reach over and pull one of them out before handing it to Faith.

"Easy does it?"

She smiles at me before taking the beer from me. Then I reach for my own as I hear her pop the beer and I do the same. Both of us pause for a moment with our beers open. I extend my beer towards Faith as if to toast each other.

"To easing into it."

My friend and business partner gets the idea and extends her beer, letting us cheers.

"To easing into it."

We both drink.

It feels good to be able to do this with Faith. To not have to worry about each other or anything else for at least the moment. Worrying will come in later, I'm sure of that. But for the moment, everything is good.

She's the first to speak.

"So... what do you want to talk about then?"

*                       *                      *

"No, I think Sierra just needs a little more time to get it."

Wait, what?

"If she has any more time she's going to get seriously hurt."

"Exactly. And she'll learn from that and then she'll get it."

I let out a deep breath of frustration as we sit on the couch together.

"I know she's one of your advanced students that you've taken her under your wing, which I totally respect, but I don't think I'll ever understand why you let your students get hurt like that."

"I'm all about learning from experience B, you know that."

"And I get that, but you seem particularly interested in failure as a teaching moment. There are other ways to get experience."

"Yeah, but failure tends to have the most impact, if anyone should understand learning from failure, it's us."

When she's right, she's right.

"We definitely made our fair share of mistakes."

"And from what I hear, that didn't just start when I came along."

From what she hears?

I set down my third empty beer on the table as Faith nurses her fourth.

"What do you mean?"

She doesn't respond right away to the question, taking a sip of her beer. I get up, walking over to the fridge to get another beer out of it.

"Pike was nice enough to tell me the Emry story, and its sequel Slayer goes to Vegas."

He did? Damn it...

"That was a long time ago."

Opening the fridge, I pull out the next six pack in case we need it and head back over to the couch.

"Yeah, and you learned from that and didn't do it again."


"Except for the fact that I also burned down Sunnydale High."

Wait, she's not suggesting...

I stop just before sitting back down on the couch, looking at her.

"Faith... tell me you're not encouraging Sierra to burn down her school."

She throws up her hands defensively.

"Whoa, don't worry B. There are no visits from the nice people at the arson department in our future. Trust me."

"Okay, good..."

I know she'd never do that, but it's fun to tease her about it.

After setting the six pack down, I sit back on the couch facing her as we've been doing for the past hour or so.

"I'm just saying, bad experiences can be just as helpful as good ones. God knows I've had some bad experiences in my life."

"Many of which you were the cause of."

She doesn't respond to that, looking at her beer.

Maybe I shouldn't have said it that way.

"Sorry, I'm not trying to be judge-y. You and I worked all that out a long time ago. I made my fair share of bad mistakes over the years myself."

"And some good ones from what I hear."

What does she mean by that?

Looking at her, she's got something of a smirk on her face.

Does she mean...?

"Faith, Pike and I... we never..."

"Oh I know... he and I had that conversation after you and I did. But Spike had some choice words about you before he kicked it."

He what?

"He was short on details but big on suggestiveness."

Damn it Spike...

"What did he say?"

"Just that you were a little less prim and proper then I remember."

Then she remembers? Is that a signal for us to start talking?

"Spike and I..."

Her hands go up defensively.

"Not judging B. Just glad to hear it. Although... what's your obsession with people named after phallic objects?"

I can't help but chuckle a little at that and so does she.

"I have no idea."

She doesn't respond to my half-joke half-statement.

I definitely think that was a signal. Maybe I should come out and say it?

"Probably just as weird as my tendency to go after people with religious sounding names."

Neither of us really laughs at that.

I should just come out and say it.

"For the record though... I don't think of what happened between us as a mistake."

"You don't?"

Wait, does she feel differently?

"No... I mean, I feel bad about how things changed between us afterwards. I know I handled it badly, in that, I didn't handle it at all. I just tried to ignore it. To act like it never really happened. And that was wrong of me. You deserved more than that. We both did. Maybe if I did, things wouldn't have happened the way they did between us."

"B, we talked about this..."

"I know... after Sunnydale we spent weeks talking about what went down. We talked about Finch and The Mayor. We talked about Riley and the whole body switching incident. We talked about L.A. and the Watchers Council and Angel and how he helped you. We even talked about Ms Post and Kakistos."

"And you know, that it wasn't all your fault. I was in a bad place long before I ever met you. I made my own choices and most of them were bad ones. I owned up to my part in all of it."

"You did, and I owned up to the fact that I gave up on you too quickly. That I didn't see or even try to see you as more than just competition for everything that I had. Even when I was trying to help you, part of me was still holding on to the idea that you were in my way. I was a lot more selfish then I had any right to be."

"We've been through all of it B."

"You're right, but the one thing that we never even tried to talk about was that night."

She doesn't respond to that right away.

"You're right."

I look directly at her and eventually she looks back.

"Things were never the same for us after that night."

Faith takes a deep breath.

"I'd have to agree with that."

"I'm not entirely sure why. But I think part of it may be the fact that we were slayers. You remember how we talked about the slayer that came before you?"

"Kira right?"


"Oh, yeah, sorry..."

"It's okay. She... she and I had a very weird relationship. We were... I guess the best word for it was... co-workers. We could've been friends but we didn't know each other long enough to cross that bridge. Even with how long we knew each other though, there was something else going on with us."

"But she died before you figured out what it was."

I can't help but pause for a moment to remember Kendra.


So many years and it still hurts some times.

"And then you came along..."

We both pause for a moment.

"And I started to feel it again. I didn't know what it was exactly, but it was powerful. It was a good feeling too."

"But with everything that was going on with me, Angel being back, trying to get my friends to talk to me again, plus Scott and all that... I think my wires got crossed. I thought it was something it wasn't. Or maybe it was, I don't know."

"I think it was something."

She does?

I stay silent, waiting to hear what she means by that.

"I never had much growing up. I never felt connected to much. No real family and I didn't get along with people at school when I tried to go. I gave up on that pretty quickly. And then I became a slayer, which somehow made me feel connected. But my watcher dying made me realize just how quickly that can be taken away. But that feeling you're talking about? I know what you mean... I felt it too B. It was like this, weird, tingly feeling. Every time I was around you, I could feel it."

That's exactly how I felt...

"So it wasn't just me."

"It wasn't just you B."

She was having the same feelings that I was?

"So when I... kissed you?"

It takes her a second to respond.

"I was just as into it as you were."

We fall into a bit of a silence together.

Should I ask? I kinda want to ask but I'm not entirely sure if I want to know.

"Did you...? Did I...?"

She looks at me, not sure what I'm asking exactly.

"Was it... you know... good?"

There are several long moments where she just looks at me before a smile starts to come over her face.

"Yeah, it was... why?"

"I just... I don't know... it was only the second time I'd ever had sex and the only time I ever..."

I have to stop myself from finishing that thought.

That's probably not the best way for this conversation to go.

Something about the way her mood shifts tells me I was right to stop.

"I guess I was wondering if I... got the job done."

Again she doesn't respond right away, almost as if she isn't sure about the answer. She shifts uncomfortably.

"You did."

I did?


She smiles for some reason.

"Trust me, you got the job done."

Oh... okay...

Faith asks the obvious question she deserves to.

"What about you? Did I get the job done?"

Oh, uh...

"You definitely did. Probably... more than once."

That seems to piqued her interest.

"More than once?"

Maybe I shouldn't have said anything?

She gets a bit of a smirk on her face.

"How many times?"

I really shouldn't have said anything.

"I, don't really know... it was like 5 years ago."

She watches me for a while, a questioning look, as if she doesn't really believe me. I take a deep breath.

"Three times, at least..."

Her smirk gets a little bigger. It makes me feel flush.


I don't really know what to say to that so I don't. Eventually I just shrug. That has her responding.

"I guess I'm better than I thought."

Again I don't know what to say to her right away.

"I guess so."

We fall into a bit of silence together for a while.

But was it...?

"What about...? When... after we...? Did it...?"

I'm not exactly sure how to say this.

"After that night, I..."

"Didn't feel it anymore."


I don't know why, but hearing her talk about it going away like that kinda bothers me. Why does it bother me so much?

After a while, I try to continue.

"I think that's part of why things changed between us. Whatever it was that brought us together, wasn't there anymore. I mean, obviously the whole killing people and trying to destroy the town was a huge part of it too, but I think that... "

"That's when things changed."


"I felt that too. It's why I... wasn't there in the morning."

That makes me shift on the couch.

I always wondered about that. Why she wasn't there. We did it at my place. There wasn't any reason why she couldn't have stayed.

"It was?"

She's the one who shifts uncomfortably this time.

"I woke up and... whatever it was... it wasn't there anymore."

It takes me a second to look at her again.

"Is that why you didn't wake me up? Why you didn't stay the night?"

This time it's her who takes a second to look at me.

"Mostly, yeah... I mean, it wasn't the first time I'd ever done it. It was kind of a pattern for me back then. Either I'd leave or kick them out."

Not that I would've wanted her to be there in the morning in case Mom or my sister walked in or saw. I didn't know how I felt about it all or what it meant about me until later. I didn't need my family asking those same questions.

"Looking back, it's not something that I'm proud of. Maybe if I'd stuck around a bit more I would've been able to connect with them and wouldn't have felt so alone. Robin was the first person to really show me what connecting really looked like. Not that it lasted that long. Maybe if I hadn't left the second I woke up, you and I could've figured out what happened. Things might not have gone the way they did."

I can't let her think that way.

"Honestly Faith? I was so messed up at the time, I'm not convinced that it wouldn't have made things worse. I couldn't have admitted to what happened without screwing up my whole life. My mom and... my mom was still coming to terms with my being a slayer. I don't think I could've added anything else to her list of things to deal with without hitting a breaking point, and we'd already had one of those with the whole slayer thing. What's worse is that I realized later that it wasn't something that I was interested in... women I mean. So even if we had dealt with it..."

"It probably would've ended badly."

"Yeah...I'm sorry."

"It's cool B. You're right. I probably wouldn't have admitted that it happened even if you'd tried. As messed up as you were... I was worse."

For a while,neither of us says anything. Eventually she's the one to speak.

"Well aren't we a pair?"

I can't help but smile at that.


Again we fall into silence together.

I think this was good. We actually talked things out.

"Feel better?"


"Yeah... you?"

She seems to think about it for a second.


"I feel like we really cleared the air between us."

"Me too... I know I wasn't big on this whole thing at first but... I think it was a long time coming."

I'm glad she feels that way.


"So we're good?"

I think we are.

"We are."

She smiles before getting up slowly.

"Cool. I think I'm gonna head out."

She is?

I get up to meet her.

"Really? I mean... you don't have to."

"I think I should. The walk down memory lane has been fun but also kinda intense."

She's right about that.

"You're right."

Silence happens again and I'm not really sure what to do at first.

"Well, good night."

Then without thinking, I reach out for a hug, wrapping my arms around her. She does the same pretty quickly. All of the sudden, there's a spark between us.

What the heck is that? It's like that feeling I had before but a lot more intense. What exactly am I trying to tell myself?

Eventually we pullback but not fully, my hands still on Faith's waist, looking into each other's eyes. The look in her eyes tells me she's just as uncertain about what's going on as I am.

Oh crap... I think I know what it is.

The feeling intensifies and I feel this need to act on it. So I do, I lean into Faith and kiss her. At first she doesn't react but that quickly ends and she kisses me back.

My god, was it like this before?

I break the kiss and look at her. She looks back and it's like I can see the same uncertain intensity in her eyes. Neither of us says anything to each other. Suddenly, she reaches for my head, grabbing it and pulling me into a kiss. It's even more intense then the last one and both of us are a lot more into it. I can't help but grab at her shirt a little, mostly just pulling it out before letting my hands move to her back, pulling her towards me so that our bodies press together more. She does the same before eventually we break for air. Again we look at each other, the look on her face telling me that neither of us are entirely sure what we're doing or why.

Whatever this is, it's not going away. It feels even more then before. Like electricity is going through us both.

Without much thought, I turn myself so that Faith is between me and the couch we were just sitting on and kiss her again. After a while, I pull away long enough to put both hands on her shoulders and shove her backwards onto the couch. She looks up at me from her now sitting position on the couch, this need in her eyes that I can feel in myself reflected at her as I look back. We watch each other for a second before she reaches up and grabs the belt on my jeans, pulling me towards her. The momentum gets too much and I climb up onto the couch on of top her with my knees digging into the couch on either side of her thighs.

I don't know why I'm doing this exactly, but it feels right. Like I need to do this. Like I need her right now.

I get right up against her on the couch, looking down at her as she looks back.

"I really want you right now."

Faith licks her lips before responding.

"I know the feeling."

She reaches up with one hand and grabs the back of my head, pulling me down into a kiss.It's even more intense then the others and I can't help but get into it, using both hands to grab the back of her head and push the kiss further. I start to grind myself into her lap while her hands start to explore my body over my clothes. Her hands move to my ass, gripping it firmly through my jeans and it pushes my hips forward into her stomach. Eventually, air becomes an issue and we break the kiss.

"You have learned a thing or two B."

That puts a grin on my face as I feel her hands move up slightly to tease the skin just under my shirt with her thumbs. I reach down to the hem of my t-shirt and grab it with both hands.

"More than two F."

Then in one quick motion I pull my shirt up and over my head, letting it gather on my left arm before throwing it away, exposing most of my chest except for what's under my bra. She looks me over for a few moments and then a grin forms on her face. Suddenly, she grabs me by the hips and lifts me off the couch but not long enough for me to react as she immediately throws me, back first, down onto the couch. Within seconds she's on top of me, brushing herself against me ever so slightly before kissing me deeply.


Each new kiss seems to push my buttons more and more. My hands start to explore her clothed body, running them along her sides and then along her back, grabbing her shoulders and digging my fingers into her a little bit.It makes her break our kiss. Not long after, she pushes herself up to sit back on my legs. She reaches down to the hem of her shirt, grabbing it firmly and pulling it over his head. Just like I did a second ago, she throws her shirt away as it pools on her right arm and I look up at her equally almost naked torso.

God she's stunning... I mean... wow... I always knew she was beautiful, but damn... I never noticed this...

I sit up quickly, getting right up against her as I pull her face to mine, into a kiss. Our newly naked skin brushes against each other as she sits on my lap with her legs on either side of mine and the kiss intensifies. My stomach keeps brushing against her as our breathing gets heavier. It sends tingles of excitement through me as things intensify, making me use my right hand on her neck to move its way down her body, over her shoulders and along her collarbone. With my fingers, I start to trace them along her collarbone, dipping down slightly to between where her bra covered breasts begin before quickly going back to the collarbone. That has her breaking our kiss and throwing her head back in a gasp. Eventually she actually looks at me, putting a small amount of distance between our bodies.

"Damn B..."

A smile forms on her face.

"You weren't kidding."

That puts a grin on my own face.

"Told you so."

Her smile turns to a grin before she leans in again, but not for a kiss. Instead I feel her hot breath in my ear, whispering into it.

"I've learned a thing or two myself."

Faith's words send more tingling excitement through me, especially when she starts playing with my ear, using her lips and tongue.


A moan escapes my closed mouth as I bite my lip and lean into her, which she seems to take as her cue to move her way down my neck and shoulder. It makes me lean into her more but she uses her hands on my shoulders to keep most of herself away from me except for her hands and her lips, which are moving down along my own collarbone.

I really need to feel her body on mine right now.

My hands move to feel her exposed skin in whatever way I can but her hands quickly move to grab my wrists, keeping me from touching her as she pulls back with much more of a smirk on her face. Then, without warning, she pulls my hands above my head so my wrists are together and she pushes me onto my back, her own body coming with me, my wrists against the arm rest of the couch.

Did she really just do that?

She pulls back again while keeping her hands around my wrists firmly against the armrest.

"I'm not done yet."

Almost immediately, she leans in and starts kissing my collarbone before starting to move down.

So that's how we're going to do this are we?

As she gets down to just above where my tits begin, she lets go of my wrists and it isn't long before I bring them down to touch her back. But as my arms get below my shoulders, she reaches up, without stopping the kisses she's placing along my chest, and grabs both of the straps to my bra over my shoulders and pulls them down along my biceps. Instinctively, I bring my arms down to my sides and she pulls the straps to my elbows, essentially trapping my arms at my sides unless I want to stretch or rip my bra, which I'd rather not.

Damn it...

Looking down at her, I see a smirk on her face as she keeps up the kissing which is sending tingles through me.

Okay, if you want to play it this way, I'll play along for a while.

She starts to use her tongue in her kisses as she moves her way down between my breasts, keeping her kisses away from on them and more on the space between, occasionally touching them ever so slightly with a kiss. It has me squirming to participate. Watching her from my position, she finds her way to the clasp of my bra. Her eyes find mine for the first time since what could probably described as her order. There's a grin on her face and I can't say that I blame her.

This is really freaking hot. It's hitting me in all the right places.

The grin on my own face must have given her the go ahead because she flicks at the clasp of my bra with her tongue, licking the skin under it in the process. It sends tingles through me. Not long after, she takes the clasp in her mouth and I watch as she seems to play with it in her mouth.

Is she really...?

Her hands touch the cups of my bra, pressing slightly against it, slightly kneading my breasts underneath. Faith pushes my breasts together over my bra and the clasp comes undone with her teeth. She then pulls the cups apart, exposing my tits to her, which she immediately starts moving to with kisses from between them. Each new kiss has me shifting under her, feeling every kiss and not really being able to do anything back. Her hands grip my tits, massaging them as the rest of her pulls back to a sitting position.

"Damn B... you're even hotter than I remember."

My eyes can't help but travel over the body of the woman above me with a smirk.

"Benefit of experience, F."

As if she knew where my mind was going, her hands leave my breasts and move up to her own.

This might be my chance.

When her fingers start to play with the front clasp of her bra, I make my move by sitting up and starting to kiss her collarbone. This makes her fumble with her bra, struggling to get it open and giving me enough time to finish taking off mine and throwing it away. I move up to her neck and that has her throwing her head back at the sensations no doubt going through her. Eventually, the clasp of her bra does come undone and she starts to take it off but as she does, I reach behind her back where her arms are and grab her wrists, keeping them far enough apart that her bra gets caught around her elbows. I pull back to look at her and our eyes meet. She's not entirely sure what's going on as I smirk.

"My turn."

That makes her start to smile and I lean into her, partly to kiss her but also to encourage her to lean backward onto the couch, making sure to keep anything but our lips and my hands on her wrists away from each other. Faith does as silently instructed and it isn't long before her shoulders and neck are pressed against the couch's arm rest, her legs bent backwards so that she's sitting on her heels. Her arms are also pinned partly by her own body and by her bra around her elbows underneath her. As I pull back from her, I can't help but look over the stunning creature in front of me.

I don't think there's a word for what I think besides...


She squirms on the couch, not sure what to do with herself.

"You like?"

Again my eyes move over her body. From her strong but smooth shoulders, to her toned yet soft arms, to the beautiful and supple mounds on her chest, not to mention her flat stomach that is rising and falling a little deeper with every couple seconds that I look her over.

"It's hard not to."

I move into her, making sure that there's just barely skin to skin contact between us as we kiss again. She does her best to kiss back from her rather restricted position.

It's not as fun from the other side is it?

Then I start my way down to her jawbone and her neck, placing kisses with tongue much like what she was doing to me every so often. What I'm doing to her has her squirming as I keep moving lower down her body, focusing on the sensitive skin of her tits, getting closer and closer to her nipples as I switch between the left and the right.

She seems to respond more when I tease the right one. I guess I have my opening.

Moving over her right tit again, I pull back just enough to hover over her nipple, letting my heavy breathing do most of the work of driving her crazy. Faith tries to push her nipple into my mouth but I keep my distance before completely switching sides and wrapping my lips around her left nipple and sucking on it, using my tongue. That has her thrusting upward into my mouth, desperate for more touch but I only grab her by the belt and hold down her hips, making her squirm even more as I keep it up. With my eyes on her, watching her squirm beneath me I let her tit pop out of my mouth, giving her a little bit of relief. She lets out a deep sigh of relief before trying to catch her breath.

I don't let it last long though as I move quickly to her right one and start sucking on it, sending her surging again quickly into my touch. My tongue swirls around her nipple before flicking it a couple times. Then I move down, placing kisses along her underboob and her ribs towards her belly button. Looking up at her, I see her watching me, every so often her muscles flexing or her arms moving in a desperate attempt to get more involved. It makes me smile as I stick my tongue into her belly button, wiggling it, and it makes her chest rise and fall quicker and heavier.

I think it's time to take things up a notch.

I keep kissing around her belly button, making her moan and squirm more, but that stops when my hands starts to play with her belt. Our eyes meet and I can't help but enjoy the look of desire in her eyes as her belt buckle comes undone and I pull it apart then pop the button on her jeans, loosening them. She smiles at me as I let my fingers curl between the waistband of her jeans and the smooth skin of her thighs, making sure not to touch her panties. A grin forms as I tug at her jeans, letting skin be revealed. Then as I do it again, I sit up to look her over. While my eyes are enjoying the sight before me, she pulls herself up to a sitting position, giving her the opportunity to finally lose her bra that restricted her. Immediately she grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss and I return it with as much passion.

One more tug on her jeans puts them right where I want them on her thighs, so I lean into her and grab her uncovered ass, squeezing it firmly and making her moan into our kiss. Shifting my legs out from sitting on them, I use my grip on her ass to hoist her onto my hips before grabbing her kinda restricted legs and wrapping them around my waist. She breaks our kiss and the look on her face tells me she's about to ask what I'm doing so I twist my body so she's sitting on my legs away from the back of the couch and stand straight up, essentially keeping her suspended around me. Then she finally manages to say something.


"That's the idea."

The F in Pike (Book 3.5) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now