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We have to get to Dawn.

The line moves forward slightly and I step with it.

There's a super strong murderer with a grudge against her and he's coming after her. I can't let that happen. Not after what I've done to her.

Again the line moves forward, taking me with it.

I betrayed her. I gave her up to this... whatever he is. He's going to find her and it'll be all my fault. I may not have told him the right location, but he seems pretty smart. I'm guessing that he'll figure it out pretty quickly and start looking at other colleges. There's no telling how long that will take and he could be there really quickly. We'll have to make sure that we're ready.

Faith taps me on the shoulder and I look up to see the line has moved forward a bit. I close the gap between me and the one in front of me.

I'm just not entirely sure how we're going to do that. Faith hasn't felt 100% since our last throw down with this Wrath guy and I'm not feeling much better. The surviving slayers that we brought in are working to figure out how to get the upper hand. Any hesitation on their part could get them killed with an enemy this powerful. They're going to be gun shy about trying to take him on, which means Faith and I are going to have to put ourselves on the line to boost their confidence, and that could get one of us killed.

I move up with the line again, taking a quick look back at Faith in the process which she notices.

Which could be even worse for Dawn with how personal this is going to get. Faith made a mistake rushing in to save Pike like that and they aren't anywhere near as close as she is with Dawn. I'm pretty sure she knows that, and probably knew it before she did it, but she did it anyway. Now that Dawn's in serious danger? There's no telling what Faith might do to protect her.

The guy in front of us finishes with the ticket taker and goes into the terminal. I step up and give her my ticket.

Of course, the biggest blind spot right now is Dawn herself. We have no idea where her head is at or how she'll feel when we show up. Neither of us have spoken to her since she left. She hasn't even talked to Willow or Xander or Giles or anyone in Cleveland... we checked. We tried calling when that, whatever he is, left us battered and bruised but we couldn't get through. I don't know if it has to do with being in the hospital or some other reason.

After she hands me my ticket back, I head to the doorway but stop to wait for Faith. She steps up to the ticket taker, handing hers to them.

I just hope that whatever it is hasn't done more damage then physically. That she actually found people to talk to at college and has gotten help. I guess we'll have to find out soon.

The ticket taker finishes with Faith and she heads my way. We head into the terminal together.

"Looks like we're on our way."

"Guess so."

"Have you heard at all from Pike? He said he would call or text when the doctors checked him out."

"Yeah, I got a text from him saying he's okay. The doctors don't think that there's any wrong with his vocal cords. He'll be on the next plane out."

"Good, we're going to need all the help we can get. He might be able to give us something to go on we didn't consider."

"Speaking of help, did you hear from Willow? Can she help?"

"I did. She and the gang are dealing with a bit of a crisis. The hellmouth is acting up."

The F in Pike (Book 3.5) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now