Shut Out

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It's like... she's not even seeing us.

My sister ignores us as she looks around for what she wants.

It's like we're not even there. Like we don't matter to her at all. How did this happen? Could she really have changed this much? How did I let this happen?

She walks away from us, right to the nearby medical dresser, pulling out the drawers. Faith, Connor and I look at each other, kinda confused about what she's trying to do. I rush over and they follow as she pulls out a scalpel. She starts testing it with her finger.

What... what is she...

"Dawn, what are you doing?"

Finally, she turns around with her hand up, puts the handle against it and slices it open.

Oh god... I... I don't...

Her hand bleeds and it's like she doesn't even care.

"I need to get out of here."

I... I don't...

Suddenly, the air around Dawn starts to shift and blur, which makes me squint and rub my eyes to make sure I'm seeing right. By the time my eyes come back to where Dawn is, she's gone.

"What? How? I..."

I turn to both Connor and Faith who look about as dumbfounded as I do. Turning back to the empty space where my sister was a second ago, I reach out, trying to feel for some kind of illusion.

Maybe she's still here somewhere. It's just, we can't see her.

"Where did she go? Did you see?"

"I don't know B. I mean... I saw but... I... I dunno."

"It looked like some sort of portal to me."

A portal?

"It didn't look like a portal to me."

"Maybe not, but how else do you explain her disappearing?"

"He's right B, it's the only thing that makes sense."

There's nothing there.

"But... how?"

I turn to both of them.

"Dawn doesn't have this kind of power."

"She does now."

Connor shifts uncomfortably.

"I told you she had powers."

Okay, Dawn has powers.

"But, why would she try and do this? And what kind of power is it?"

"Maybe the kind of power that Wrath is after?"

Her words make me focus on Faith.

"That makes sense, but how would he even know about them? WE didn't even know about them."

"He could've sensed that they were emerging. Someone like that has to have minions or abilities to sense other powers coming to challenge them."

"Or what if she did something to him without knowing it?"

That has Faith and I turning to Connor.

"What do you mean?"

"We're just assuming that this is the first time she's used these powers. What if she's had them all along and didn't know it?"

"She could've done something to him and we'd never know."

If that's true, he might be able to find her even now. He could be coming for her wherever she disappeared to.

"We have to find her. She's in danger and she's not exactly thinking straight."

"Where do you think she'd go?"

I don't know... she... she's so different.

"I know where she'd go when she was with us, but now? I have no idea."

Connor... maybe...

"What do you think?"

"Me? She's your sister."

"But she's changed so much. You'd probably know her better now."

"You think she'd go back to her dorm kid?"

"It's as good a place as any I guess."

I turn my focus to Connor entirely.

"We're really gonna need you on this Connor. Faith and I are operating in the dark when it comes to where she might go and who she might see here."

Faith steps in.

"She basically shut us out when she moved here, and with what she just heard?"

He puts up his hands.

"I get it. I'll help wherever I can."

I look around, checking the place where Dawn disappeared from.

It's like, she was never even there. I think...

A small dark patch on the floor catches my eye. I crouch down to take a look.

Is that? I think it is...

"What is it B?"

"It's blood. Dawn's blood I assume."

"It's definitely her blood."

That makes me look back at Connor.

"Benefit of having two vampires as parents."

"You know what Dawn's blood smells like?"

"Kinda hard to miss with all the injuries and torture she went through."

Well that's something at least.

I stand up and turn around to face them both.

"I guess that will make things easier."

"I'll call Pike, give him an update."

Part of me can't help but tense up at the mention of Pike when she pulls out her phone and calls him.

I don't know why this is still bothering me. Faith and I talked this out. I mean, sure, the conversation didn't end the way either of us expected and that's caused other problems, but none of it really has anything to do with Pike. So why does it bother me when she talks about him?

I can feel his eyes on me so I look at him. Connor is looking back with a bit of confusion.

It's like he's looking for something that's not there. Better get him focused on other things.

"Hey, while Faith does that, how about we go see if we can pick up her scent outside?"

He looks at Faith who turns to him while waiting for Pike to pick up.

"Go, I'll catch up."

He and I look at each other before heading for the door.

"You know this isn't going to end well, right?"

I don't really respond, focusing on finding my way out.

"With the kind of power she has? There's really only two ways this can go."

"I know that. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that."

We have to find a way to save her.

We have to find a way to save her

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The F in Pike (Book 3.5) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now