Walk of Shame

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Light hits my face and I can feel myself waking up. I turn my head away from the light and squirm, enjoying the warm feeling of my bed. My arms stretch out and I'm suddenly well aware of the colder side of the bed and the lack of someone in it. I open my eyes and I see Faith sitting on the other end of the bed, putting on her bra.

Is she leaving?


She turns her head slightly for a second to speak before continuing to get dressed.

"Hey B..."

It definitely looks like she's leaving.

"Are you... leaving?"

"Yeah... I kinda think I should."

I should say something.

"O-Oh, okay. I mean... you don't have to."

I'm not even sure I want her to stay, but I don't want her to think that I want her to go.

"I appreciate that B, but... I'm not sure staying is the best idea."

She doesn't?

I pull myself up to a sitting position on the bed, watching her as she doesn't really make any attempt to look at me. She stands up and puts on her shirt.

"You don't?"

"If I stay, we'll end up talking about it and... I don't really know how to feel about what happened last night. I don't want to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing and turn it into something that it's not. I just... I need... time to figure it out."

Well at least we agree on something.

"If it helps, I have no idea what happened last night either. I think... waiting to talk about it is probably a good idea."

There's a long silence between us.

"Okay, good. I just... I didn't want to do to you what I did before. Leave before you wake up and leave you wondering. That... I don't want to be that type of person."

Part of me feels this need to reassure her and I lean towards her but she takes a step away from the bed, still not looking at me.

"Well, you're not. You... I don't... no matter what else might be going on or what we need to talk about, I don't see you that way."

Another long silence stretches out between us.


Neither of us is entirely sure what to do or say, so we don't for a long while.

"I'm... gonna go."

She starts to make her way towards her bedroom door to find her pants.


When she gets to the door, she stops.

"I'll see ya later B."

"Yeah... see ya."

Then she walks out into the apartment.

What the hell was that? I don't really know how to feel right now. I mean, last night was really intense. Probably the most intense thing I've ever experienced. Except I have no idea where any of it came from. I just... had a feeling and felt the need to follow it. The last time I felt anything close to that was probably when we were together before.

So what made it happen this time? Nostalgia? I mean, we did spend a lot of last night talking about the past, dealing with whatever made it happen last time. Maybe it triggered something in us? Is that why I never wanted to talk about it before? Because I was worried it would happen again? What's going to happen the next time we see each other? Will that feeling still be there?

The F in Pike (Book 3.5) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now