Emerald Eyes

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They keep making eyes at each other.

I glance over at Faith as her attention is drawn away from our slayers in training as they follow today's drill and towards our guest. They smile at each other.

And they aren't exactly being subtle about it.

Going back to the training in progress, Trina smiles as Faith walks past her but I don't think Faith notices. She's too busy watching Pike sit on the training room's bench.

Even some of the girls have noticed. Trina's definitely caught on but that may have more to do with her brother mentioning it then her actually spending time with both of them. Pike hasn't been around the girls all that much. He may be an old friend but I don't want him to see everything we have too easily. Not that he's given us any reason to be concerned. He's actually helped us out and gone patrolling with us. He seems on the up and up but you can never be too careful. I learned that hard lesson from Ford.

In the meantime, Faith's been doing her own type of "investigating". Not sure how in depth it is, but that's probably a good thing. I'm not sure I could handle the details.

My eyes shift between Faith and Pike while I keep walking around our trainees.

At least they haven't slept together. I'm pretty sure they haven't done that yet. Well, almost sure. Faith doesn't look at people she's slept with like that. I've seen the way she looks at people she's slept with and it doesn't look like that. It looks like her before face. I've been on the receiving end of her before and after faces myself and that's definitely a before face. Or it used to be. She's changed a lot since I last saw it personally, maybe the face she makes changed too but I don't think so. I could just ask her but I may not want to know the answer. She knows we have to be cautious. I explained it to her after our little talk in the car. I gave her the whole Ford story and even made sure she talked to Angel and Spike about it so she knew I wasn't trying to get in her way when it comes to Pike. I just wanted her to be safe. She seemed to take it well enough.

Pike smiles back at Faith as they lock eyes again.

Though it doesn't seem to have stopped Faith from spending time with him. They've been on patrol together, I know that for sure. The three of us went together a few times but definitely not every time. So far there's no sign of whatever it is that's hunting me, but if history is any indication then it'll be coming eventually. Our girls need to be ready for it. I don't want this to be a repeat of our last big demon hunt.

One of the girls Faith's supposed to be watching throws a bad punch but Faith's too busy to notice.

Damn it.


The whole class freezes at my command. Faith looks at me confused for a second before scanning the girls then coming back to me. I look in the direction of Marsha, the girl who messed up, but Faith doesn't notice.


"Okay, I think we're good for the day. Go home and rest up."

Faith chimes in as the girls start to break formation and grab their stuff.

"You're gonna kick some serious butt the next time we go hunting ladies."

I walk over in Faith's direction where both our stuff is.

"They're looking good wouldn't you say B?"

"Good, but not great. They need to be better if we're going to beat this thing."

"They'll get there. I mean, you saw, they were solid today."

"How could you tell?"

She watches me for a second, confused. I go through my stuff as the girls continue to file out.

The F in Pike (Book 3.5) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now