Magical Reveal

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I'm not even sure how to start this conversation.

I follow Willow into the room with Faith close behind.

I mean, this feels like it's going to be the weirdest conversation ever, and between the three of us we've had some pretty weird conversations. Whether it's about people we were dating, or not dating, what to do about some big bad. Plus there's all the conversations we've had about each other. I can't count the number of conversations that Willow and I have had about Faith.

When we were younger, Willow and I would have all kinds of conversations about Faith and the things she did. And since Faith and I decided to semi-retire and set up our own shop, we've had our fair share of conversations about Willow. Not quite as many as when Willow and I were younger talking about Faith, but still more than a couple. But this is probably going to be the weirdest of them all.

Willow is the first to find a seat while Faith and I kinda stand apart from each other.

"So... we kinda need your help Red."

I guess Faith's going to start the conversation then?


"I mean, B's told you about our little... problem, hasn't she?"

"Yup, I'm mostly up to date on all that. No need to go into detail again. In fact, probably better if you don't."

I guess I should ask the obvious then.

"Do you have any idea what's going on with us? Anything at all?"

She lets out a bit of a sigh.

"Unfortunately, I haven't made much headway in this. There are too many possible spells to go through and very little way to narrow it down. A few lust spells have the kind of effect you're talking about but they're usually an all the time kinda deal. It's not usually the type of thing you can turn on and off at a touch or something. So..."

"So you have nothing."

That's kinda harsh of her.

"Hey, come on Faith."

Faith gets this apologetic look on her face.

"Sorry Red, I didn't mean that to sound the way that it did. I just... whatever's going on is getting in the way of helping Dawn, which is what I want to do more than anything. We need to get this taken care of or it's going to be a problem."

Maybe what Willow needs is a little context.

"What Faith means is that... Dawn knows... about what happened between us. And that means we aren't exactly Dawn's most favourite people right now. Which makes it kinda hard to help her when all she sees is that we betrayed her. But if we could tell her it's a spell..."

"I get it. There is one thing we could try, but it kinda required both of you to be here to do it."

Faith and I look at each other and I'm pretty sure she and I have the same thought. I'm just the first one to turn to Willow and say it.

"What is it?"

"You remember, the spell to reveal spells?"

Faith can't help but ask.

"Is that some kinda meta-witch thing?"

I turn to Faith.

"It's a spell that I used a couple years ago back when my mom was sick. I thought that something magical was trying to hurt her to get to me. So I did a spell to reveal spells, but... it kinda backfired on me."

The F in Pike (Book 3.5) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now