Bad Options

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We're running low on options.

Running my hand through my hair, I try to relax despite everything that's going on, taking the temperature of the room.

Connor tried, Kennedy tried, Giles and even Candy tried. It's starting to feel like we're not going to find any way to get through to her. Candy was kind of a long shot and it was her idea, but she had to do something. I didn't think she'd succeed, but from the way she talks about her conversation, it was a good idea. She tried to appeal to Dawn's past. The way she helped Candy become a better person and a better slayer. If only it had managed to get through to her some how.

My eyes fall on Faith, sitting across the room from me, her eyes on the door to Dawn's cell.

If Angel can't get through to her or at least figure out how to help her, we're going to have to go with the worst option. Faith and I are the ones who are going to get the worst reaction out of her. Probably just by going in there, either separately or together, we'd set her off. It would be a lot worse if we went in together for sure. She'd figure that we're more than just walking in together. That we're actually together... together. Which obviously isn't anywhere near the truth...

The image of the look of lust on Faith's face as we're about to kiss flashes through my head. It makes me look down at my hands instead.

At least not in the literal sense... but she'd obviously see it differently. She wouldn't understand that something mystical or dimensional is going on. All she would see is that we're lying to her, even if we're telling the truth.

Suddenly, the image of my hands grabbing at Faith goes through my head. I close my eyes and rub them a little to try and get it out.

I mean... I think we're telling the truth. I'm honestly not sure anymore. I wasn't really sure how I felt about Faith since before whatever's been going on between us. I thought I'd gotten them resolved, but the more time we spend together, and the more times things get triggered between us when we touch, the less sure I am about where the line is between how I really feel and what's going on with this dimensional energy thing that Willow says is happening to us.

I look to the door of Dawn's cell.

The real question is whether or not this is because of something Dawn did intentionally or by accident. Did she want this to happen to screw with us and keep us off balance or was it all just a coincidence? At this point, it could be either and we wouldn't know the difference. There's no way that Dawn would tell us if she did, and if we even managed to get it out of her truthfully, it would probably be too late to do anything.

Running a hand through my hair, I take a deep breath.

We just have to hope that Angel gets somewhere with her.

Almost as on cue, the door to Dawn's cell opens and Angel walks out, stopping and letting the door close before saying anything.

He doesn't look happy.

"What happened?"

He doesn't answer right away.

"It's not good."

Faith and I can't help but look at each other, her looking back at me with the same obvious concern that I feel.

"How bad is it?"

"I think we're looking at a Wolfram and Hart level problem."

What? He said he wouldn't...

"I thought you said you'd leave them out of this."

Just as the rest of the room, except for Faith, is about to object, Angel holds up his hands in surrender.

The F in Pike (Book 3.5) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now