Emerging Feelings

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I hope she's all right.

I walk down the hall, kinda idly on the search for Faith.

She cares a lot about Pike and her relationship with him. I'd hate to think that what he walked in on would screw that up. He's a good guy and she's a great girl. They deserve to be happy together if they can make it work. I don't want to be the reason why they don't get to be happy. Maybe if I can find her and talk to them, they'll be able to be together. I can explain that it wasn't her fault. That she didn't do anything intentionally.

At least one saving grace is that it seems like Wrath hasn't emerged at all. I thought for sure that he'd be angry and that it would force a change in him. But there's been no big crisis in the building, which is probably how'd it go with Wrath if it were. So either anger isn't the trigger for him to come out, or Pike didn't get angry at her.

I'm assuming it's the first one. I know I'd be upset if it happened to me. At least it was when Riley did it to me that one time. It lead to our break up. I guess things are different between Faith and Pike. She told me that they weren't that committed, relationship wise. They were kinda just keeping it casual. Maybe he didn't react the way he did because they aren't very into each other. It's not like he screamed or yelled or anything like that. He kinda just left. He didn't seem that angry.

In fact, Faith seemed a lot more upset about it then he was. I'm still not sure how to feel about that. I mean, we talked it out and I feel much better about our past, but something about the way they are with each other is bugging me. Maybe if I can find them and talk to them, I can sort it out and finally feel okay with everything.

Turning down the hall, I see Faith leaning against the wall, alone.

Well that doesn't look good.

It makes me stop.

Should I... go talk to her? I mean, that was the plan with me wandering around Slayer HQ looking for her. But her being alone... she likes her alone time. I probably don't want to interrupt her if she wants to be alone.

"You all right B?"


"Uh... hey Faith, how's it going?"

There's a bit of a silence in the hallway. Eventually, she shrugs.

"Five by five I guess."

She doesn't sound all that enthusiastic about that.

"You sure?"

She looks up at me with that grin of hers.

"Do you wanna keep having this conversation across the hall?"

That was stupid of me.

I make my way over to her slowly.


I lean against the wall opposite from Faith and just wait for a few moments.

"So... where's Pike? Did you find him?"

There's a silence before she answers.


She's being monosyllabic. That's usually not a good sign.

"Are you okay?"

Again some silence between my question and her answer.


I look up and down the hall, just to see if he's anywhere nearby before asking.

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's just... taking some time."

The F in Pike (Book 3.5) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now