Chapter 1 ~ Korosenai

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Author note: (R/N) : Real Name.
I'll refer to Kaede as "Kaede" when in a public setting, even if it's in thoughts, but "Akari" in private settings. Don't forget that this is Kaede's sister, so she can be referred to as "Kayano", too.
I'm going to try & update at least every other day. School may get busy in a few weeks but I really hope you all enjoy this story☺️♥️

"Aim... Fire!" I stood with my eyes fixed and determined as the whole class shot towards the monster. This is how we start off every day. Instead of bowing to our teacher, we try once again to kill him. Assassinate him. Welcome to our assassination classroom.
"No tardies, congratulations!" The monster smiled, as usual. I panted in tiredness and frustration alongside my classmates.
"He's too fast." Nakamura panted.
"Woah, Kayano, what's up with that face?" Terasaka smirked beside me. I quickly snapped out of my frustrated trance and put on my "normal" happy fake smile.
"Nothing, just a little tired." I laughed. Why am I stuck being the only one on this row with him? Kaede and I shared a quick glance at each other. She rolled her eyes before putting on a fake smile, too.
Yeah, the class knows that we're sisters, but that's all they know. That's all they need to know. Nothing else will matter after March. Not after we kill him.
"Nakamura! I said no shots fired during lectures. Back row, young lady." The monster said.
"I know." Nakamura sighed and came to sit next to me.
"Nice try." I chuckled.
"Stupid octopus." She huffed as the lunch bell rang.
"Okay, well I'm off to China. You got my cell number." The monster walked toward the window and flew out of it at mock 20, blowing strong winds into the classroom. We all sat down and pulled out our lunches.
"He's not that bad of a teacher, it's just a shame that we're getting our grades up right when we're about to die." Kurahashi said.
Idiots... we're not going to die. My sister and I are going to kill him. We'll get that 10 billion.
The ground shook right as fifth period started, signaling that our monster teacher was back from his lunch in China. "Okie dokie, class, your assignment is to write a short poem." He said. "The last line should be 'Twas tentacles all along'."
"Really, sir?" Kanzaki asked.
"Really." He nodded. "You may go home once you're finished."
The whole class, myself included, sighed and wracked our brains for what in the world this monster wants us to write. Of course it'd be something about him... How selfish.
"Um, sir." My sister suddenly spoke up.
"Do we always have to call you 'sir'? I think we need a name for you." She said. Well, she's technically right...
"Okay, so why not pick one for me?" The octopus said. "I'll take a break while you all write your lovely poems."
I slumped in my seat as I tried to make some sort of connection with tentacles. I was hoping to leave class early today...
My concentration was broken as Nagisa stood up from his chair. He calmly walked to our teacher with his poem in his hand. At least, that's what we thought. "Ah, let's have it, Nagisa." The monster smiled, as normal.
Nagisa handed his poem out at the same time his hand reached for a knife. The octopus swiftly caught his hand as Nagisa jumped onto him. "Hmph." Terasaka smirked beside me and pressed a button. All of a sudden, the room was filled with light and a piercing boom.
"What did you make Nagisa do?!" Kaede glared at Terasaka and his little group.
"Do you have a better idea?" He frowned. "Relax, it wasn't enough to kill him- huh?"
We all gathered behind the monster's desk. There Nagisa was covered in some sort of thick slime.
"I shed my skin once a month." The monster's eyes glowed red as he hung from the ceiling. "I'm sure you didn't see this coming." The monster's face quickly distorted into an even creepier smile and turned pitch black. He must be... furious. To be honest, I was a little scared, but if I'm going to kill him, I can't afford to be scared.
The octopus suddenly flew out the window and returned with multiple home name plates. "Here's the deal." He said darkly. "I may not be able to hurt you, but I can definitely hurt your precious loved ones if I want to." His composure fell and his face slowly turned back to its disgusting yellow. "You must care about your lives. That was far too reckless. You're more than the sum of your parts."
I couldn't help a small feeling of happiness rise in me. It's almost as if he actually cares about us. But... it's all just part of an act. You're not here to build relationships, (R/N)! You're here to kill.
"Kill..." I whispered to myself. "Koro... Korosenai... Koro-sensei." I looked up from my desk. "Un-killable." Not for long...
"I love it!" The monster exclaimed.
Hmph... not for long.
"That was quite the name." Akari said quietly to me as we tracked down the mountain alone.
"It was your idea." I smirked.
"Yeah, guess so." She smiled.
"Well what about you?" I asked. "You almost actually seemed concerned when that idiot Nagisa nearly blew himself up."
"Well..." Akari stared off into the distance.
"Sis, we're not here to make friends. We're here to kill that thing."
"Oh come on. Admit it, you like those people, too!" She argued. I sighed. She can see right through me.
"Yeah okay, they're fine. But don't forget what we're actually there for. We're there for Aguri." I said.
"I know." She agreed. We smirked at each other as we walked away from our classroom. Our assassination classroom

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