Chapter 44 ~ Bye Bye Yesterday

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I slowly moved towards my teacher's heart as my classmates watched my every move. I held my anti-sensei knife in my hand. "There's been a hole in my tie since the day it was... given to me." Koro-sensei said. "I left it like that for sentimental reasons, but before you proceed, let me say farewell to my fellow educators." We all turned to look at Mr. Karasuma and Ms. Jelavić standing off to the side, frowning.

"Are you sure you won't join in?" He asked. "I don't want you to miss out on the bounty."

"What I've learned in this class is more valuable." Ms. Jelavić smiled sadly.

"Mr. Karasuma, I thank you. You've had a hand in molding these children into what they've become." Koro-sensei continued. "Please, continue to guide them on their way after I'm gone."

"Of course." Mr. Karasuma said. "This year has been one I'll never forget. Rest in peace, Koro-sensei."

"Okie dokie, class, it's about that time." Koro-sensei said. "There's a lot I want to say, but hopefully I can squeeze in what I can. I'd like to call roll... one final time. When you hear your name called, please say 'here.' Look me square in the eye and answer me in a loud voice. After that, you may commence with the assassination... WAIT! Please tell me that you're all present and accounted for! I don't want the last thing I do to be marking one of you absent!" One final Koro-sensei weakness: disorganized when it really counts.

Even so, Koro-sensei read all of our names. Some could answer, some were too choked up with tears.

While he called everyone's names, every single memory from the past year flashed vividly through my mind. The good and the bad. It all made us into the people we are today, the assassins we are today.

All too quickly, Koro-sensei finished calling roll for the final time. "I say this in all sincerity..." He started. "It is a privilege to be assassinated by you. Give a yell for all life... and strike."

I gripped my knife tightly as my hands wouldn't stop shaking. I could practically hear my racing heartbeat in my chest. This is it. This it the part where I kill him. I held my knife above Koro-sensei's heart.

Lifting it into the air, I let out a yell into the air. Koro-sensei put a small tentacle onto my neck, making my heart rate go back to normal. "Don't kill me with anguish in your heart, (Y/N)." Koro-sensei said. "Nice deep breath, give us a smile."

My shoulders shook as my tears finally fell from my eyes. I took a deep breath and held my head high, smiling, just like Koro-sensei.

"Goodbye... Koro-sensei." I could only bring myself to say the bare minimum to him.

"Goodbye... (Y/N)." He responded.

Everything I felt, gratitude, regret, went into my blade. It was like I was channeling my soul. With every fiber of my being, I thanked him... with my knife.

Glowing yellow orbs quickly started informing us that our mission was complete. Our teacher, our target, was gone. Dead. Assassinated.

Koro-sensei's head relaxed as his whole body turned into yellow orbs that floated into the sky and completed the moon. It was as if he were saying "congratulations."

We all stayed in our exact places until our teacher's body was completely gone, leaving only his robe behind, with my knife stabbed through the chest of it.

Still holding onto my knife, all my emotions finally came out at once. I cried until I had nothing left in me, and my classmates and teachers followed suit.

Very soon it would be midnight, graduation day, at Kunungigaoka. It was time to turn our sights on what lay ahead.

A/N: This is not the last chapter! There's one more & an epilogue!♥️

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