Chapter 26 ~ Full-proof

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"That's the spirit." Mr. Takaoka did nothing but laugh at my proclamation. "Come at me with everything you got!"

The only other time I've felt like this was when I thought Koro-sensei murdered Aguri. I had officially snapped, and I was going to kill this monster.

I was brought back from my thoughts as something hit my back. I turned to see that Terasaka had thrown me one of his stun-guns. "Stop worrying about what's going on with others and think about yourself for once!" He yelled, his face red. He's sick, too! "Murder is murder, even with this maniac. He's not worth it! Give into the bloodlust and you're no better than him!"

"He's right, (Y/N)." Koro-sensei said. "Do not stoop to Takaoka's level. Simply surrender him unconscious. You don't have to resist the anger, just control it."

In that moment I was reminded of Karma's words a while back. If I had killed Koro-sensei for murdering Aguri, it wouldn't make me feel any better. I'd still be bitter and angry once he's dead.

I picked up Terasaka's stun-gun and put in through my belt. However, I still held the knife in my hand. "Ooh, don't we look vicious." Mr. Takaoka smirked and held up a few flasks of liquid. "Wanna know a secret? I didn't blow up every antidote. So either come at me with everything you got, or all your chances to save your friends really will be gone."

I held the knife in front of me as I got ready to fight. We may have just taken down three assassins, but those were on our terms. This time, we're on Mr. Takaoka's terms.

I calmly started walking toward Mr. Takaoka when he suddenly kicked me in the stomach, sending me to the ground. I coughed and quickly got up. I swung my knife at him quickly, but he dodged and pushed me away.

He suddenly started throwing multiple punches and kicks to my head and torso. Even his insanity couldn't repress his years of military training. I held my stomach and fell to my knees.

"We're just getting started." He smiled and held up a knife like mine. "We haven't incorporated this into the mix." I think that's the exact knife I attacked him with at school.

Mr. Takaoka started walking towards me with his knife as I remembered the full-proof assassination technique Lovro taught me. Three criteria must be met: 1. Have at least two weapons ready, 2. Be pitted against an expert, and 3. Your opponent must already know what it means to face death. Check, check and check.

I smiled to myself as I looked up to our old teacher. He seemed to be a little taken back by my expression. You get to be my beta test.

He stopped as I calmly walked over to him, keeping eye contact the whole time. The closer I get, the more focused he'll be on the blade. On perfect timing, I dropped my knife and his attention was distracted for a fraction of a second. I then propelled my hands forward and clapped loudly in his face. He moved backwards from my hands as confusion set in. Here comes the crucial second blade.

I quickly grabbed the stun-gun and pointed it right at him. He groaned as he finally fell to the ground. I could basically feel my classmates' surprised and impressed stares. Even Mr. Karasuma, one of the best assassins I know.

I lifted Mr. Takaoka's head up with the stun-gun and looked at him. This man taught me bloodlust. Sometimes anger is good, and sometimes not. He taught me the importance of having friends to pull you out of your own head. I know what it's like to be hit, and in a real fight, all because of him.

"Please no." He begged. "Whatever you're about to do, don't do it with that look on your face!" I let a genuine smile creep onto my face.

"Mr. Takaoka, thank you for everything." I said before tasing him unconscious.

"Yeah! We beat the final boss!" My classmates cheered.

Eventually some security came and helped me get back to my classmates. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?!" Yada ran up to me.

"I'm okay-" I smiled before I was engulfed in a hug. I smiled as I smelt the all-too-familiar strawberry scent of my boyfriend. "Look who's worried now." I chuckled.

"Good job, (Y/N)." Koro-sensei said. "For the first time in a while, I honestly didn't know how things would turn out."

"Thank you, but what are we going to do now?" I asked. "The antidote Mr. Takaoka didn't blow up isn't enough for everyone."

"Ha, please! The antidote won't do you any good." We turned around to see the three assassins we took down previously.

"I'm almost fully recovered, and these kids are strong, believe me." Mr. Karasuma said. "I'd suggest you back off before anyone else gets hurt."

"Yeah, alright." They surprisingly surrendered. Turns out the virus wasn't life threatening. They gave us a non-lethal one instead of Mr. Takaoka's. Our classmates should be perfectly fine by tomorrow.

A helicopter eventually came to take the assassins in for questioning, while Mr. Takaoka was carried away in a straightjacket.

And just like that, our infiltration plan was finished. None of the hotel guests or staff had a clue what just happened. So we eventually made it to the hotel and assured everyone that they would be okay.

And so ended our summer vacation in Okinawa. Our first term of the school year was also now gone. We were now halfway through the school year, halfway through our our deadline. Our deadline to assassinate our teacher.

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