Chapter 40 ~ Assassins

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I used my training gear to camouflage myself behind Mr. Karasuma while my classmates went at it "killing" each other. Things weren't going so well for the (F/C) team, not with Karma in charge of the red team.

Finally only a few were left of the red team, and
so they narrowed in on my team. That's when I took my shot. I took them all down from behind. To say that everyone was shocked would be an understatement. Now it was one-on-one. Karma and me.

And so while everyone was distracted, I moved to a spot in the forest, pointing my gun at Karma. "(Y/N)! Put down the gun and come on out!" He called out. "Let's settle this with blades!"

"Take him out while you got the shot!" Sugino yelled.

Karma plays dirty... If I shoot him now, the red team won't accept defeat. If I want everyone on board for saving Koro-sensei, this has to play out on Karma's terms.

And so I laid my gun down and walked out into the open field. I held eye contact with Karma as I stretched my arms and legs for the fight that I knew all along would happen.

"Just to let you know, I'm not holding back." He smirked. "In this situation, we're assassins, first and foremost."

"As if I don't know that." I smirked.

"You must forget about me in this moment." Koro-sensei said. "Clear your minds. It's about what's in front of you."

No later than Koro-sensei said that, Karma charged at me with his knife. I did the same, our weapons clashing. "We kill!" He yelled.

"We save!" I objected. We tried our best to knock the other off their feet, but to no avail. Finally he grabbed me and flipped me over his shoulders, but I landed on my feet. I stood up and pushed him backwards, but he kicked my stomach, sending me tumbling to the ground.

I quickly got up and raised my knife again. "You know, I always had to keep an eye our for you." Karma smirked before running full speed at me. We swung at each other until he grabbed my arm and pushed me to the ground. I, however, used my feet to propel him backwards.

Karma stood up but not quick enough. I straddled him and held my knife above his face, but he quickly flipped me off of him. I charged at him but he deflected my kicks and punches. I eventually felt a kick to my cheek and fell to the ground. I looked behind me to Karma smiling. I moved right before he could stab me. His knife went into the ground. Now!

I swung my leg around and kicked the knife out of his grasp. I tried to attack him but he head-butted me, sending my own knife flying away. I reached for my second knife but he sprinted in and punched my stomach. "The second you go for that blade, the fight is mine." He smiled. While I was in pain, he grabbed me and kneed me in the stomach over and over. "I always kept my eye on you because I noticed your bloodlust before you even did." He grabbed my hair, forcing me to look into his psycho eyes. "You could be the next reaper."

I tried to throw a punch to him but he beat me to it, sending me back to the ground. I got up and we continued hand-to-hand fighting without our knives. Eventually I received a punch to my jaw and as soon as I was bent down, an axe-kick to my back.

Am I... really going to lose this? I thought as I laid face-down on the ground. Is Koro-sensei really going to die... because of me?

I heard Karma's footsteps walk away, no doubt going for his knife. I just stayed still in pain but also in determination. As soon as I heard him lift the knife in the air, I flipped over and performed the stunner clap.

Just like every other victim, he dropped his knife and stumbled back.  I ran at him with my blade and he reached for it. I, however, let go of the blade. While he was off-guard again, I wrapped my arms around him. I kicked him off his feet and we both fell to the ground.

I put Karma in a triangle choke just like earlier, but with my arms this time. It was only a matter of time before he passes out. He of course tried to fight back, but I successfully held him down. I of course didn't have the strength to do so, so I was still relying on the element of surprise from earlier. "You are going to hear me out!" I grumbled.

Karma tried to pry me off him, but I just need a little more time. Unbeknownst to me, he was able to reach for his knife and held it above me. But for whatever reason, he just stabbed it into the ground. "I give up." He relaxed. "You win, (Y/N). Good job."

As I heard those words, I immediately stopped my chokehold. Completely shocked, I weakly rolled off Karma and onto the ground. We both panted in pain. "You left yourself open." He said. "I just couldn't bring myself to stab you. Nobody would have been satisfied with me winning that way. You wanna save Koro-sensei? I'm listening."

"Thank you." I smiled even though my body was covered in cuts and bruises. Karma flipped himself to his feet and held out his hand to me. Happily, I took it and tightly hugged him, not really caring that our whole class was still watching.

"I love you." He whispered, shocking me even more. "What, don't feel the same way?"

"Of course I do!" I hugged him tighter.


"I personally have no objections to the course this class will be taking," Mr. Karasuma told us all. "But you only have until the end of the month to find a way to save the octopus. The Ministry of Defense is still working hard to assassinate him; however, if he needs to be killed, I believe you should be the ones to do it. However January plays out, after that you need to focus on the original objective. Whether you save or kill, give it all you got."

"Yes, sir!"

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