Chapter 6 ~ Tutor

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"Ughhh." I groaned as I looked at the grade on my math test. I'm pretty decent in school, except for math. I laid my head down on my desk and glanced at Karma. "How did you get a 98?!"

"Hm? Do you seriously think I'm in E-class because of grades?" He smirked. Oh right, how could I forget the whole violent, sadistic persona he has going on. "I could tutor you if you want."

"You would do that?" I asked, hopeful.

"Sure thing, after school today?"

"Yeah, thanks so much!" I smiled. Even if I'm only here for a little while, I guess it wouldn't hurt to have some extra educational skills.


"Don't worry, it's just for a little while." I whispered to Akari as I waited outside the school for Karma.

"Oh, there you are." He finally came outside.

"I'll see you at home." She said and started walking down the mountain. We're both still a little hesitant to form friendships with these people, so she didn't really like the idea of a tutoring session with Karma.

"Well are you coming or not?" I hadn't even noticed that he started walking into the forest.

"Coming!" I followed him into a clearing in the woods.

"So you bombed the last test, huh?" He asked as we set our stuff down.

"Yeah..." I scratched the back of my neck. "Even with Koro-sensei's help, I just don't understand math."

"Okay, well let's start with the first problem then."

For about an hour, Karma took each problem step by step and explained it all thoroughly to me. To be honest, I had no idea how smart he was.

"Is this right?" I asked him as I worked out an example problem.

"Almost, but you forgot to-" I jumped as the sound of a gun suddenly went off. I looked around to see smoke coming out of a gun in Karma's hand.

"What are you doing?!" I exclaimed.

"Good try, Karma, but you missed." Koro-sensei slithered out of the woods.

"What are you doing here, teach?" Karma smirked.

"Well... I was just so excited to see a fresh romance blooming between my students!" Koro-sensei's face turned completely pink, and so did mine.

"I-It's not like that!" I objected.

"We'll see." Koro-sensei did his infamous chuckle and shot off into the sky.

"A-Anyways..." I tried to focus back on my studies.

"Aw, did the octopus make you flustered?" Karma smirked and put an arm around my shoulders.

"N-No! He didn't!" I defended.

"You know, I wouldn't mind dating you." He said suddenly. "You are pretty cute." I blushed but then narrowed my eyes at him.

"So you would date me just for my looks?" I asked.

"No, of course not." He laughed but then peered at my face. "But speaking of your looks... you do look really familiar." My heart skipped a beat when he said that. Does he know?! Has he figured out who Akari and I really are?!

"I don't think so." I tried to laugh it off.

"And also, I went through your papers in the teacher's lounge-"

"Why were you in the teacher's lounge again-?!"

"And it seems that all your grades except math are fine." He leaned back and raised an eyebrow. "(Y/N), why are you in E-class?" I'm done for... Thankfully growing up with a famous actress, I knew how to put on a facade, but still...

"Bad behavior I guess." I shrugged. "Like you."

"Nope." Karma shook his head. "You're not that type of person."

The atmosphere was heavy as we just stared at one another. I had no idea what to do or what to say. I feel like Karma is a genuinely good person deep down, but I can't let him know.

"You're hiding something." He said.

"Aren't we all?" I smirked. If I just keep silent, it'll be worse.

"And I'll find it out." He leaned in closer to where I could feel his breath against my face. "Even if I have to search all the way until March." I gulped as I stared into his orange eyes. I was slightly terrified, but also something else. Something I hadn't felt in a long time. All I've felt recently is anger and the need for revenge.

"Well I think that wraps up today." I was snapped out of my thoughts as Karma stood up with his things. I put my stuff in my backpack and threw it over my shoulder. I looked up to see Karma holding out his hand to help me up. I smiled and grabbed it. We then walked down the mountain and to our respective homes. To be honest, I was a little sad, but there's always tomorrow.


That night I lay in bed with this weird feeling in my chest. Ever since my tutoring session with Karma, I've just felt weird. Nervous, of course, because he knows that I'm hiding something. But also, some kind of... admiration? Approval? L... Lo... No! Stop it! I rolled onto my back in frustration.

Akari and I were fine with building friendships, but not that. That opens me up too much to distraction from the reason that we're here. The reason that we're in E-class.

Or does it?

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