Chapter 3 ~ Karma

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"Once you all can get to me, you may actually have a shot." Mr. Karasuma said. Turns out he's taking over our physical education. I didn't really mind it, though. Koro-sensei set the bar really high for us, compared to him.
"I wish they'd just let us go home." Nakamura whined as we made our way back to the school house.
"I know right, oh-" I stopped abruptly as Nagisa and Sugino in front of us just stood in their place.
"Nagisa, 'sup." On top of the hill stood a boy a little taller than me. He had our school's uniform on but with a black blazer. His eyes almost matched his hair: red. "It's been a while." He smirked.
"Nagisa, who is that?" I whispered to him.
"Oh, hey, you must be the famous Koro-sensei." The boy walked down the hill and straight to our teacher. "Wow, it really does look like an octopus".
"I am not an 'it', thank you!" Koro-sensei exasperated. "Mr. Akabane, correct?"
"Yep. Nice to meet ya, teach." Koro-sensei shook the boy's hand but immediately took it away and zoomed past him.
"Huh, they actually worked." The boy observed. Taped to his hand were strips of a knife made specifically for Koro-sensei.
He actually hurt him! None of us have been able to do that yet.
To be honest, it made me mad. He hasn't even been here a couple minutes, and he's already managed to destroy one of Koro-sensei's "hands."
"Um, what kind of person is this Akabane guy, Nagisa?" Kaede asked.
"We used to be in the same class." Nagisa said. "He's really smart, but he got sent here because he's really violent. Believe me, if anyone can kill our teacher, it's him."
You're wrong! I'll show you who's gonna kill our teacher.
I internally pouted as I was now stuck in a seat in between Terasaka and this Karma guy.
"Aw, what's the matter?" He asked me, smirking.
"Nothing at all." I fake smiled. "It looks like you really ticked off the octopus." I pointed to where our teacher was at the front of the class, slowly punching the wall.
"Well, of course. Who wouldn't be if someone made an attempt on their life?" He smirked. Cocky little-
"No talking during a quiz! I will assume that you're cheating!" Koro-sensei said.
"Right, well I've already finished. I'll just eat this gelato, okay?" Karma pulled out a pink gelato cone out of nowhere.
"That's my gelato from Italy!"
"Oh, my bad. It was just sitting in the faculty lounge." He took a bite of the gelato.
"I'll just take it back, thank you very much." Koro-sensei made his way down the isle but stopped as Karma had placed harmful ammunition on the ground, destroying some of his tentacles.
"Wow, that's twice in one day." Karma smirked. "Just so you know, I'm gonna keep doing this every day. We all are. If you want this to end, you can just kill me. You just gotta let go of us seeing you as our teacher." Wow... So he understands, too. Maybe he's not so bad. He's clever and manipulative. But he still won't be the one to kill that monster, though. "I'll just be going now. Let's play again tomorrow, okay?" And with that, Karma walked out of the classroom.
Koro-sensei solemnly let Karma walk out and cleaned the gelato off his robe. "Koro-sensei, may I go to the restroom?" I asked. He nodded and I quickly walked out. However, I didn't go to the restroom. "Hey!" I jogged to catch up with this Karma guy. "You sure have a lot of nerve. This is only your first day." I smirked.
"Well we gotta get the ball rolling, don't we, Kayano?"
"(Y/N)." I said. "It's (Y/N)."
"Oh, I see. Well I'm Karma then." He stuck out his hand. "I saw you guys practicing earlier in P.E. You're skilled. I look forward to killing with you." He smiled. I returned it and shook his hand.

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