Chapter 39 ~ To Kill or not to Kill

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And so Koro-sensei told us about the days when he was a human. He was the first Reaper. Eventually he got caught on March 13 and scientists did experiments on him, turning him into the super-creature he is today. When he blew up the moon, he took the science lab with it, and unfortunately, Aguri, too.

So come this March 13, Koro-sensei will have to die. Whether that be by himself, or taking the whole world with him. Ironically, that's the same day as our graduation.

Today was the start of the new term. We finished winter break, but it was anything but relaxing. After hearing Koro-sensei's story, the nature of what we had to do dawned on us. We have to kill him. Nobody could bear to think of assassination over the break.

But one good thing did come out of this all. Akari and I decided to go back to our Kayano names. Sure, our real names would be our legal ones, but (Y/N) has grown on me.


"It's not like you to call us all here together." Terasaka said as our whole class met in the forest after class.

"I don't even know if it's possible..." I started quietly. "But instead of killing Koro-sensei, I think we should try to save him."

"Like to keep him from self-detonating?" Mimuta asked.

"But where do we start?" Okano asked.

"I don't know yet." I said honestly.

"I'm for it!" Kurahashi said.

"I would have said something if you didn't." Kataoka said to me. "Saving's him the least we can do."

"I'm in, too." Sugino agreed. "It's a whole new challenge." Thank goodness... They feel the same way I do-

"I really hate to be the one to spoil the mood." Nakamura said. "But I'm against it. We're assassins, he's the target. That's our bond. Koro-sensei said so himself. Not killing him would defeat the purpose."

"We get wanting to save him and all, but how do we know it's even doable?" Terasaka said.

"And what happens if the clock runs put before we find a way?" Muramatsu asked.

"I don't want the octopus' last words to be that we failed." Yoshida said.

"You're the most gifted one here, (Y/N)." Karma spoke up. "But giving up the whole assassination plan? What about those of us who work ourselves sick just to squeak by? How are we supposed to feel?"

"That's not what I'm trying to say." I looked down. "Between you and me, you're the better assassin."

"That just makes me angrier." He walked towards me. "Your problem is that you have no respect for anyone who isn't you."

"Where is this coming from?! I'm just telling you how I feel." I said. "He's helped up so much! He made learning fun-!"

"That's my point!" Karma snapped. "Why do you think he bothered?! He didn't want us to wind up like whiny jerks, but look at you! Assassinating him is what this class is built on. You want to undermine what Koro-sensei's done?!" I looked to the ground as I felt the now familiar feeling of bloodlust. "What's with that look?" Karma just smirked.

I finally snapped and threw a punch at his head, but he just grabbed ahold of my wrist tightly. "You want to settle this like assassins?" He asked and pushed me away.

In a split second, I jumped and wrapped my legs around his neck, bringing him to the ground in a triangle hold. "I am not a whiny jerk!" I yelled. Karma, however, just lifted himself off the ground with me still wrapped around him. I was no match for his strength after all.

"You-" He grumbled.

"Knock it off!" Maehara exclaimed as he and Isogai attempted to hold Karma back.

"Outstanding! An old-fashioned school yard fight!" Koro-sensei suddenly appeared holding guns in his tentacles. "However, you're the assassination classroom. This is how we settle our differences." KILLING?!?!

"What kind of mediator are you?!" We all exclaimed.

"Wait, these are just paintballs." Takebayashi observed.

"Those who feel that I should be assassinated, take red." Koro-sensei said. "Those who want to try and save me, take (F/C)." (A/N: Remember in the prologue we dyed our hair our favorite color like Kaede) "Clearly state your side and pick your color."

"Capture the flag?" Kaede questioned.

"Whichever side wins, I'll respect it." Koro-sensei said. "You are all a family. I can't allow my students to be at odds with each other. If you truly care about me, promise me what happens here won't make any grudges."

To kill... or not to kill...

And so we all chose our sides and colors. It was pretty evenly matched. Karma and I were the last to choose. We both picked up a gun and a knife and looked at each other for a second before turning in opposite directionsp.


And so we all changed into our training gear and split up on sides of the forest. Mr. Karasuma was refereeing at a midpoint. I was honestly a little sick to my stomach from nervousness, but I'm not backing down. I meant what I said to the class back there. I want to save Koro-sensei. If it's a fight Karma wants, it's a fight he'll get.

"Are you ready?" Mr. Karasuma asked through our earpieces. "Let the assassination survival game begin!"

Right off, Takebayashi and Kataoka got shot by Hayami on the red team. Karma was most likely the one ordering the shots. Kanzaki, however, snuck up and took out Chiba and Okajima.

I took a deep breath before quickly but quietly leaving my position. "Mr. Karasuma!" I whispered. "I need a favor."

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