Chapter 14 ~ Tentacles (Part 2)

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The whole class stood in shock as Itona unleashed his tentacles from his hair. Kaede and I shared an equally confused glance. Yes, we both have tentacles, but how does he?!

"How is this possible?!" Koro-sensei grumbled, his face turning black. "Tell me where those tentacles came from!"

"We are not obligated to say." Shiro said. "But this should convince you. You may have had different parents and upbringings, but you two are indeed brothers." He suddenly pulled out a stunt gun that rendered Koro-sensei motionless. Itona then went on with attacking Koro-sensei with his tentacles.

The smoke in the room finally cleared as Koro-sensei was unseen. He had shed his skin and was now hanging from the ceiling. Itona continued attacking Koro-sensei as Shiro paralyzed him again. They were basically an even match now.

After most of his legs were gone, Koro-sensei dropped to the floor. "That was easier than I thought." Itona said. They could actually kill him. It's pretty hard to get excited about... This isn't fair! If anyone should get to kill him, it should be us!

"No one's ever run me this ragged before." Koro-sensei admitted. "But there's one thing you've overlooked."

"Finish him, Itona." Shiro said. Itona jumped in the air and attacked Koro-sensei one last time. However, in s single flash, Koro-sensei stole all the knifes from off our desks and cut off Itona's tentacles.

"They work just as well on you as they do on me." Koro-sensei laughed as he wrapped Itona in his shed skin and threw him out the window. "Don't worry, my skin kept him safe, but he is outside the boundary." Itona's eyes were filled with anger as he felt the bitter taste of defeat. "You should stay here, Itona. We'll all welcome you with open arms. The way to assassinate me isn't by focusing on my weaknesses, but by observing my lessons."

"Are you saying that I'm never going to be strong enough to beat you?!" Itona asked frustratedly. "You think that I'm weak?!"

"Itona's not a fan of being lectured to." Shiro spoke up. "He will attack again." Itona's tentacles grew back, but this time they were black.

"I am strong!" Itona yelled. "These tentacles assure my victory over everyone!" Itona jumped through the window to attack Koro-sensei once more, but Shiro hit him with his stunt gun.

"He's not the best classroom material." Shiro walked over and picked Itona up. "I think a vacation is in need."

"Excuse me, he's my student." Koro-sensei objected. "Until graduation, his well-being is my responsibility."

"Sorry, we're leaving." Shiro started walking away. Koro-sensei tried to touch him, but Shiro's clothing was made of anti-sensei fibers.
"March is almost here, so he'll be back." And with that, Shiro walked out of the classroom with Itona. However, that also caused my sister to storm out.

"Kaede!" I chased after her in the hallway. "What's wrong?!" I grabbed her. She turned around with a facial expression I've never seen.

"'What's wrong'?!" She asked angrily. "That kid stole our thunder! We were supposed to be the ones to take Koro-sensei off guard with tentacles, not him!"

"What?" I asked, surprised. "But you promised in Kyoto that you'd try to see the other way. That Koro-sensei isn't a murderer-"

"Well, I lied." She said almost unemotionally. "If you'd rather have that monster alive than our sister, then be my guest."

"That's not-"

"(Y/N)!" Karma came out of the classroom. Kaede huffed and walked out of the building. I wanted to go after her, but I just couldn't. I don't know how to convince her. "What happened?"

"I can't help her." I said, trying to hold back tears. "I'm her own twin, and I can't even help her."

"I'm sorry." Karma frowned as he hugged me. I felt weak as I just laid my head against his chest. "But we have still until March." I just nodded as I couldn't bring myself to say anything. Do I really believe that? I'm not giving up on my sister, but she may have to learn the hard way.

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