Chapter 25 ~ Maniac

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There facing us stood Mr. Takaoka with his signature insane eyes and nail marks down his cheeks. "What naughty children, trying to sneak up on dear old dad." Oh how I have NOT missed him.

"How could you do this?!" Terasaka yelled.

"Let's head up to the roof." He picked up the briefcase and started walking away. "I have a little surprise up there for you." If we wanted the antidote, we had no choice but to follow the maniac.

"Hiring assassins? Infecting students? Are you out of your mind?!" Mr. Karasuma questioned.

"Those are strong words, friend. I'm perfectly sane." Mr. Takaoka responded. "If you would have done what I asked and brought the runts and octopus by themselves, my assassination plan would have gone perfectly."

"You can't really imagine you'll get away with this." Koro-sensei's face grew red with anger.

"Actually, I do." Mr. Takaoka smiled. "And I think we can all agree that this behavior is a lot more humane than the treatment I got from your class. Everyone now knows how a bunch of junior high kids took me down with my own knife! You have no idea what that feel like! My future is gone. You, specifically!" I slightly flinched as he pointed his finger right at me. "You must answer to the injustice done to my reputation."

"He asked for the shortest students to come because (Y/N) would be one of them." Chiba observed.

"(Y/N) had every right to do what she did to you." Yoshida said.

"Oh, so this has more to do with you settling a score than saving the world." Karma smirked. "Is killing a girl gonna repair your self-esteem? Wouldn't someone my size be more interesting?"

"She beat you by your own rules so you have no one to blame but yourself!" Terasaka said. "And even if you won, we'd still despise you!"

"I don't remember asking for your opinion!" Mr. Takaoka yelled and held up the detonator. "Love me or hate me, I'm the one who can take half of you out right now!" We stopped talking as for once, Mr. Takaoka was right. "You." He looked at me. "Let's go up to the heliport."

"You don't have to listen to him." Nagisa said beside me.

"I don't want to." I said and looked around at all my classmates. I can't lose any of them.

"Hey! I said fight me-!" Karma yelled but I placed a kiss on his cheek and followed Mr. Takaoka to the heliport. I'll play along for now and see if I can talk some sense into him.

"Please be careful, (Y/N)." Mr. Karasuma said.

Once I made it to the top, we were a lot higher up than I thought. I slowly reached to pick up a knife Mr. Takaoka had laid on the ground for me. Then he held up the detonator.

"Dont't even!" Mr. Karasuma aimed his gun at him.

"Stay right where you are!" With a single push of a button, the bridge connecting us to my classmates blew up. "There we go. Now it's just you and me."

"Mr. Takaoka, I didn't come here to relive our fight." I said.

"Of course not. You don't have the element of surprise on your side this time." He smirked. "There's not a thing up your sleeve to keep me from killing you, but I can't just go straight in. I want to savor this. So here's what I need from you: get on your hands and knees, and apologize. Say you're sorry for pulling a cheap trick. Admit you did it to cover your lack of skill."

I held back my boiling anger as I sat on my knees. "I'm sorry-"

"I don't believe you!" He yelled and I calmly bowed down lower.

"I'm sorry for pulling a cheap trick on you." I lied. "I did it to cover up my lack of skill. I'm very sorry."

"Not bad. Now apologize for telling me to hit the road afterwards." He pushed my head to the ground with his boot. "The audacity you have."

"I was wrong. You deserve respect." I apologized. "I'm truly, deeply sorry."

"I'm starting to believe you." He lifted his foot off of me and I looked up at him. "You know what this needs to really help the lesson sink in? Pictures of the people who died from the virus I infected your buddies with!"

"PLEASE NO!" I yelled as he suddenly sent the briefcase flying over the edge of the building. With a single push of the detonator button, it exploded. Our only antidote, gone.

We all stood in complete shock and indescribable anger as he laughed like a psychopath. "Yes! That's the face I wanted to see!" He mocked my emotions.

I could hear my own heartbeat as the faces of my sick classmates were so clear in my mind. He just sentenced them to death. I slowly picked up the knife from earlier and shakily stood to my feet. The knife felt like a ton of bricks and it took all my strength just to do stand.

I slowly lifted the knife up where I could see it and the crazed face of our former teacher. "I'll..." I started quietly. "kill you."

"Oh dear." Koro-sensei commented.

"That's right." He just laughed at my pain again.

"I'll... KILL YOU!"

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