Chapter 13 ~ Tentacles (Part 1)

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"I see it fits you pretty well." Karma smirked as he arrived to the classroom the next morning.

"Yep, I love it." I smiled, referring to the black blazer he let me keep. I think I'll add it to my uniform from now on.

"Alright, everyone, take your seats." Koro-sensei mumbled as he walked through the door. Something was different, though. His head was three times its normal size.

"What's wrong with your head?" Karma asked bluntly.

"The rain outside causes my head to soak up water like a sponge." He answered and literally squeezed the water out of his head.

"That's so gross." I looked away.

"Now then, I have some news." Koro-sensei said, now back to normal. "Mr. Karasuma has informed me of another transfer student joining our class."

"I know a little bit since we're both transfers." Ritsu spoke up. "We were supposed to start at the same time so I could handle long-range attacks and he would handle close-range, but our masters decided against it for reasons."

"Like what?" Hara asked.

"Well, he needed a few tweaks and I apparently lacked the ability to support his level of skill." If this guy's even more skilled than Ritsu, than just how skilled is he?! I think some of my thoughts were answered as a man dressed in all white stood in the doorway. He's kinda tall for a kid. "Sorry for the confusion, I'm not your new classmate, just his guardian." He said. "You can call me Shiro."

"So when can we meet our new classmate?" Koro-sensei asked.

"He'll be here when the time is right." Shiro answered. What's that supposed to mean?! "I think he'll fit in quite nicely. Let me introduce him. Now, Itona."

I screamed as the wall behind me was suddenly blown away. The dust settled as a short boy with blue hair sat down on the other side of Karma. That's one way to make an entrance. Well, this is an assassination classroom after all.

"Victory is mine. I have proven myself stronger than the classroom wall." He said monotonously.

"T-There's a door..." I pointed, still shaken up.

"Only strength matters." He said. I looked up to Koro-sensei and even he didn't know how to react.

"I give you Itona Horibe." Itona's guardian said.

"Mind if I ask you a question, new kid?" Karma spoke up. "You came in from the pouring rain without an umbrella. How is there not a single drop on you?" Itona didn't answer as he glanced around at all of us.

"You're the strongest one in the class, right?" He asked Karma. "Don't worry, you're still weaker than me. That means you get to live. I only kill things stronger than me." He slowly made his way to Koro-sensei. "And that means you."

"Sorry, but I'm still stronger by a lot." Koro-sensei responded.

"Not so much." Itona said. "You and me are actually brothers." They're WHAT?! "After school, we face off in this classroom." He said and walked out of the classroom with his guardian, leaving all of us extremely shocked and confused.

"Don't ask me, I have no idea." Koro-sensei defended. Maybe it's just a tactic to shake up Koro-sensei.


Itona eventually returned to the classroom and joined us on the back row. He definitely had Koro-sensei's sweet tooth during lunch. But if they really were brothers, wouldn't Koro-sensei know about it?

A few periods later, class finally ended and to be honest, I was a little nervous about the whole Koro-sensei vs Itona thing. We all pushed around desks in a big square like an arena.

Itona ripped off his scarf to reveal a red tank top. They would have to forfeit if they stepped out of the desk boundaries or injured any "spectators." "We'll start on my mark." Itona's guardian raised his hand. "Assassination... begin!"

Immediately, one of Koro-sensei's tentacles was cut off and lying on the ground. For what seemed like an eternity, we all just stared. But not at Koro-sensei's tentacles, but rather at Itona's tentacles.

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