Chapter 22 ~ The Hotel (Part 1)

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I breathed heavily as we all climbed the high ledge up to the hotel. "Sharp rocks, be careful." Karma said above me, using his foot to gently nudge my hand away from a pointy rock I was about to grab onto.

"Thanks." I chuckled nervously. Once we all made it to the top, we rested for a second. Ritsu was able to unlock the side door, so that's how we got in. The first room we were met with was an auditorium with a dozen security guards. Why do they need so many?

"Is that... That's the piano I'm playing on next week!" Ms. Jelavić suddenly strutted onto the stage to distract the guards. "Mind if I practice?" Her plan seemed to work perfectly. The guards were completely captivated by her.

No matter how many times I seen a pro assassin work in the flesh, it never gets old. I... I want to be like that.

Ms. Jelavić placed her fingers on the piano keys and played a song absolutely perfectly. "She's so good!" I commented.

"That is an assassin with multiple blades." Koro-sensei said.

"Don't be shy." She smiled to the guards and motioned for them to come closer. She gave us a hand-signal to get moving, and that's exactly what we did.

"Let this be a lesson not to judge a book by its cover." Mr. Karasuma said to us. We continued walking up the stairs to the top, successfully clearing the lobby. "If we get stopped, just say we're staying here."

"But sir, we're junior high kids." Nagisa said. "We shouldn't be here."

"There's plenty of snobby rich kids here." Koro-sensei said. "Turn your noses up and walk around like you own the place."

"You know, I thought everyone here would be a problem, but it's a lot easier." Okano mentioned.

"We're not there yet." Mr. Karasma said.

"How about we switch off stealth mode and storm the place!" Terasaka said as him and Yoshida started running ahead. However, there was an all too familiar man walking quietly towards us.

"Watch out!" I yelled. Mr. Karasuma quickly pushed the two boys out of the way as the man unleashed some kind of purple gas from a can.

"What gave me away?" The man smirked.

"You gave us those drinks at the resort!" I exclaimed at the man. "Those had the virus in them." The man just laughed at us as Mr. Karasuma fell to his knees. It hurt to see such a strong person in such a weak state.

"That gas was homemade, too." The man said. "But I'll have to tell the big man you figured me out. Oh well." In the blink of an eye, we were all blocking the exits.

"We've learned from the best." Isogai said as the man was thrown off guard.

"You were a bit too quick to show us your true colors." Mr. Karasuma slowly got onto his feet, however he was still stumbling a bit.

"Rule number one when facing numerous enemies: cut off the head, and the body dies." The man tried to unleash more gas on Mr. Karasuma, but Mr. Karasuma quickly kicked the man in the stomach, sending him to the ground. He was successfully knocked unconscious as Mr. Karasuma collapsed on the ground once again.

A couple of the boys tied up the man as Isogai helped Mr. Karasuma get up and walk. We were on the clock, so we had to keep going no matter what.

"Woohoo, summer vacation is in full swing!" Koro-sensei smiled, causing us all to deadpan.

"It's nice that you can stay positive!"

"I'd be happy too if I had a protective shell!"

"Show him "full swing"!"

Nagisa, who was holding Koro-sensei in a bag, spun him around very quickly, causing Koro-sensei to get sick. "And why exactly does it feel like summer vacation?" Nagisa asked.

"Because my students are acting independently of me." Koro-sensei answered. "Breaks from school routines allow you to think and act on your own. That's really what summer's about." He might be right.

Even so, we continued walking through the building. We peaked behind a wall and saw a blonde man just standing around. He has to be part of the psycho's plan.

"Boooring." The man suddenly punched the glass window behind him. "I can hear your footsteps. I wanted to kill someone interesting, not a bunch of amateurs." He didn't look like he had any weapons on him, which is good of course, but he did have a walkie-talkie. "Tell the boss to come down-" He was cut off as Karma suddenly grabbed the walkie-talkie and slammed it into the window, causing an even bigger shatter.

"Is breaking glass supposed to be intimidating? Because I can do that." Karma smirked. "What I wouldn't do is call in reinforcements as an opening move, but then again I'm not especially threatened by a bunch of amateurs."

"Karma, stop-!" Mr. Karasuma tried to object to him.

"Hold on, Mr. Karasuma." Koro-sensei spoke up. "The boy's chin is down. Karma usually enters a fight with his chin angled upwards. He's literally looking down his nose at his opponent. But now, I think he's took the lesson of his finals to heart."

"Alright, so put your money where your mouth is." The man smirked.

"Go at him with everything you have, Karma!" Koro-sensei said. I never even noticed how Karma enters fights compared to now. Nevertheless, I smirked.

One opponent down, and another to go.

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