Chapter 28 ~ Cops and Robbers

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"A giant pudding?" We all questioned as Kaede told us her plan. Outside the classroom we had a ginormous mold and a bunch of ingredients. Apparently Japan has a huge surplus of eggs right now and Kaede thought up this whole assassination plan.

"Koro-sensei does have a serious sweet tooth." Nagisa shrugged.

"The idea is to plant bombs and anti-sensei bullets into the base." Kaede explained. "We'll detonate once he reaches the bottom."

"This may actually work." Isogai said. "Koro-sensei looses his mind when it comes to sweets."

And that's how we spent half our school day making a giant pudding. We cracked hundreds of eggs and manually stirred in all the sugar, milk and gelatin.

We let it chill overnight before adding the caramel to the top. It all turned out to be a success. You basically forget there's a bomb in there.


Koro-sensei's smiling mouth hung open as he stared at the giant pudding. "And I'm allowed to eat this?!" He asked in disbelief, drooling.

"I just didn't want all those eggs going to waste." Kaede smiled.

"You make me so happy." Koro-sensei cried.

"We should probably get going for English." I said as we left our teacher to devour the giant pudding, and explode, of course.

We all watched from the classroom as Koro-sensei began eating the pudding at mock 20. It probably won't be very long before he reaches the bottom, but Takebayashi installed a security camera into the base.

"My pudding..." Kaede frowned. I knew she had been working on something the past few days, but not something like this. "MY PUDDING!" Terasaka had to literally hold Kaede back from saving her pudding.

"My jaws need a break." We all whipped our heads around as our teacher suddenly appeared in the classroom. "Also, amid all the deliciousness, I caught a faint whiff of this." We were all shocked as he held up both the bomb and detonator. "I ate a tunnel from caramel to pudding to dirt and removed the bomb from underneath. If I had not picked up on the scent, your plan may have worked. But since you all made this together, you should enjoy it together." He handed out to us all bowls of the pudding and caramel we had just spent a whole day making.

"No offense, but I didn't know you had that in you." Nagisa said to Kaede.

"That's what it is to be an assassin." She smiled. "Not even your close friends get to see your true blades." You guys have no idea.


Now that the break was over, Mr. Karasuma upped our training. Today's class was a first. We were playing cops and robbers in the forest, our teachers being the cops.

So we ran as fast as we could into the forest. As soon as Mr. Karasuma started chasing after us, however, we started dropping like flies. "We can tag them back in!" Sugino finally thought as him, Nagisa, Karma, Kaede and I hid out behind a boulder.

"But there's a a super sonic octopus watching them." Karma pointed out. "If we could get under his radar, he'd be dead months ago."

While that may be true, that doesn't mean that one of his weaknesses isn't being emotionally persuaded. So that's how the game ended with zero of us caught. Mr. Karasuma was irritated at Koro-sensei, but the game was great training for us anyway. It built our stamina as we were being chased by an amazing assassin. So I'd say second term was off to a promising start-

We all stumbled on our feet as the ground suddenly shook. Once the smoke cleared, we could make out two figures. "Good to see you again... Koro-sensei." The familiar formal voice spoke. We could now clearly see Shiro dressed in his usual all white attire and Itona with all his tentacles unleashed. "Let your final death-match begin."

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