a mind full of words to say but no way to say them.
a mind bursting with ideas and thoughts but no way to bring them to life.
a mind in constant turmoil over a future she isn't even sure she has.
a mind in a constant battle against itself and the voices inside of her mind.
a mind trying to break free from the constant noise.
she'd never known confusion like this.
she didn't see the point of trying.
she didn't see the point of waking up in the morning.
she just wanted to vanish,
to wither away.
she wanted to go to the abandoned asylum in virginia that she'd read so much about.
she felt like she'd belonged there.
as if it was a lighthouse beacon calling her home.
she can't get the voices in her head to quiet down.
they're yelling so loud that it's deafening.
she's trapped within the confines of her own mind.
how is she meant to escape that?

Behind My Eyes.
Poetrycome pick my mind and stay awhile, make yourself comfortable. it's awfully lonely in here. - inside this book, you'll find five distinct parts: simply me, which tells you almost everything you need to know about me. you, which tells you...