for the first time, in such a long time, i'm starting to feel okay again.
i've started writing about it too which is probably one of the hardest things i've had to write about. anytime something good happens and i talk about it, it usually jinxes it so if i have a good day i avoid talking too much about it.
recovery isn't a linear path either. it's not good all of the time, there's still going to be bad days and i've included some pieces about those too because who would i be if i didn't show all of the parts to recovery?
hopefully one day you'll feel this good too.
Behind My Eyes.
Puisicome pick my mind and stay awhile, make yourself comfortable. it's awfully lonely in here. - inside this book, you'll find five distinct parts: simply me, which tells you almost everything you need to know about me. you, which tells you...