wishes whispered on the cool breeze blowing through the trees,
making a mess of each perfect strand of hair upon your head.
wishes spent on dandelions in the green spring.
wishes we spent on things unattainable such as love or luck.
wishes spent as a child on horses, rockets, and toys!
those wonderful toys we saw on television as a kid!
the new red firetruck that lights up and has a siren!
the beautiful princess gown with the tiara and plastic slippers!
if only i had spent my wishes differently.
now those wishes on dandelions in the spring are spent on things other than those shiny new toys,
we're using them on cars, money, boys/girls, phones, and good grades.
the wonderfully fast shiny new car with the best engine.
the money that can pay for anything you'd ever wanted.
if i could make one single wish and have it come true at this point in time,
i think i would just wish for an adventure.
i wish i could travel far far away from here.
i think that's always a great option.
i would love to go to europe and see all the cheesy tourist attractions and take cheesy pictures.
i want to be able to take risks and have them work out.
i want to dive into the unknown and have it be okay.
if you had one last wish on a dandelion,
what would you ask for?
Behind My Eyes.
Poetrycome pick my mind and stay awhile, make yourself comfortable. it's awfully lonely in here. - inside this book, you'll find five distinct parts: simply me, which tells you almost everything you need to know about me. you, which tells you...