it's strange to think about how much changed in twenty-four hours.
somehow we went from texting constantly and planning to facetime later that same night to you not returning my messages and removing me on all social media.
then i come to find out that it all adds up because you're suddenly at your ex-girlfriend's house despite you telling me that your parents won't let you out of the house due to the virus.
i just need to know is it something that i did or something that i said?
we have a lot of mutual friends and they all say the same thing that this is just how you are and i shouldn't take it too personally but it's almost always my fault.
it doesn't help when you've told me how much you missed me and that there were times you wanted to reach out to me when we lost touch.
you even told me that you didn't want to ghost me so what the hell happened?
what changed in the length of a day?
it's been keeping me awake trying to think about of it.
granted i shouldn't be too surprised by the actions that you've taken.
it's exactly like it was last time.
how is it that you haven't changed or grown since high school?
i thought everyone changed a least a little bit?
it boggles my mind how you can spend four years of your life stuck in the same exact patterns.
how is it that so much time can go by and yet nothing about you has changed?
i feel as if i'm an entirely new person than who i was back in high school because i've learned from my past and all of my mistakes.
yet it's as if you haven't changed at all and i just can't wrap my head around how you've managed to do that.
it must take some effort to not change at all in such a long period of time.
i hope that one day you'll see the error of your ways,
just know that i won't be there this time when you decide you want ot come back around.
Behind My Eyes.
Poetrycome pick my mind and stay awhile, make yourself comfortable. it's awfully lonely in here. - inside this book, you'll find five distinct parts: simply me, which tells you almost everything you need to know about me. you, which tells you...